The top two books in my New Loot list are for school, otherwise I doubt I'd be reading them when I could be reading Jane Austen. *le sigh* The two Old Loot ones are realistic teen fiction that I'm reading for a teen reading list at work. Plus, I love S. E. Hinton!New Loot:Frankenstein by Mary ShelleyIntimations of Chritianity among the Ancient Greeks by Simone WeilDawn of the Arcana manga - Volumes...
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Life goes on
Thursday, November 8, 2012
It seems that the world rolls on. The apocalypse didn’t happen
with the loss of the election. I didn’t stop breathing. This supposedly means
that there is still hope in my heart. Not necessarily a hope that a spiritual
awakening will occur in America but rather the knowledge that my soul is safe.
I was disappointed and angry with the election. I’m numb now. But it is well
with my soul....
major crimes
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Major Crimes: Tricks
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Story: Major Crimes: Tricks
Characters: Buzz and, well, everyone
Rating: K for fun and goofing off
Summary: Buzz finds himself the unsuspecting victim of a rubber band attack. Who could be the culprit?
Moi: One-shots are seriously awesome to write. It only takes me a short time and they're such fun. I've planned this since I wrote Nightmares
yesterday but the plotline did change a little bit...
major crimes
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Major Crimes: Nightmares
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Story: Major Crimes: Nightmares
Characters: Sharon & Rusty
Rating: K+ for angst/comfort
Rusty's sleep turns sour after facing his father and Sharon is awakened
one night by his nightmares. Reminded of her own two sons, Sharon's
compassion for Rusty's predicament grows, her mothering instinct
Moi: This was written because Major Crimes is becoming a huge part of...
Long time, no see
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A lot has happened in the last few weeks. I was almost a bit afraid to post about it on here. As if that would make the experience vanish. But it's been 15 days and the experience hasn't faded yet, so I guess it's okay to share now. Two Sundays ago, I was in church, listening to a guest pastor from Louisiana share his story. And the Lord broke my heart. For the last several years I was hardening...
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A 3rd Hobbit movie
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
All right, so it's been confirmed. Instead of 2 films for The Hobbit PJ is intent on making 3.
As Peter Jackson announced in his release:
know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf,
the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of
Dol Guldur will remain untold if we do not take this chance. The
richness of the story of The...
fun stuff
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life lessons
my faith
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11 Things Questionaire
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
This is being posted because of a nomination to The Lieber Award by buddy2blogger. I won't nominate anyone else or the chain will never end but here's my answers to the questions. :-)
11 things about myself
I'm a 100% hardcore Disney girl.
Running is a new passion in my life. It feels . . . wow, better than anything I've ever experienced.
Macgyver was my very 1st crush.
I played the piano amateurishly...
Joy Cometh in the Morning
Well, it's the beginning of a new month and anything has to be better than July, at least in Colorado.
Have you ever noticed how life doesn't always meet our expectations? I don't know about you but I have what I always considered reasonable expectations in life. My expectations include a good family relationship, a job with people I like, a well-rounded education. I can also put time spent with...
Femnista July/August Issue - Science Fiction & Fantasy
Click to launch the full edition in a new window Digital Publishing with YUDU This is a really fun issue for Sci-fi fans, like me! My article is on Firefly and Caitlin wrote on the gloriousness of Loki from The Avengers and Thor. A fantastic all-around issue.
Have fun readi...
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Batman Weeps for Colorado
Friday, July 20, 2012
I'm sure everyone has heard by this point but here's the lowdown in case you haven't. At approximately 12:30am today a gunman opened fire on a theater in Aurora, Colorado filled with The Dark Knight Rises fans, killing over a dozen and injuring over 50. The final toll for victims is 71.
This tragedy seems fitting somehow with the pain and suffering Colorado has experienced over...
fathom events
gene kelly
singin' in the rain
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Singin' in the Rain - In Theaters for 1 Night Only!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Don't you just love Fathom Events?! This is how I was able to experience The Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions in theaters and a special film about Elvis in concert before his death. They're special opportunities and may never happen again. And this time it's the 60th birthday of Singin' in the Rain!
You know the one with Gene Kelly in his iconic dance on wet streets with an umbrella that...
fandom: brambly hedge
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c.s. lewis
my faith
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Red Victorian Rose Arts And Costuming: Honest to goodness craft post!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
The latest post from my sister Caitlin @ Red Victorian Rose Arts And Costuming
Aren't my mice awesome?
These are mice made from a Jill Barklem's Brambly Hedge pattern book. I love her work and if you have never heard of them, seriously, go look them up. They have the most awesome illustrations and story lines, perfect for children and adult alike. Anyway, these were my first four, given...
A Nudge from C.S. Lewis
Sometimes it's hard to read complete books by C.S. Lewis. The man was such a master of the English language and his thoughts were so precise and so incredibly acurate to reality that it almost hurts trying to make sense of everything he said. Which is why I'm happy to have found a book called The Joyful Christian so I can read individual blurbs taken from his various books in the hopes that what...
movie review: brave
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Merida & Elinor - Mothers & Daughters
Saturday, June 23, 2012
If there's one thing I'm completely familiar with it's the tenuous nature of the mother/daughter relationship. Especially when the daughter starts reaching an age where she just doesn't want to listen anymore. Ironically my age wasn't when I was a teenager but more now, in my twenties.
Watching Pixar's newest film, Brave, sort of gave me an eye-opener. Princess Merida and her mother Queen Elinor...
the hobbit
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Where I was 10 years ago
Monday, June 11, 2012
What comes to mind when you think of yourself 10 years ago? How old were you? What were your interests?
I almost never think of the 18-year-old version of me. But then I watch a trailer or a production video for The Hobbit and it all comes flooding back. 10 years ago I was so embroiled in everything Tolkien that it felt like I actually lived in Hobbiton. Posters on my walls, actions figures on...
message in a bottle
nicholas sparks
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movie review: message in a bottle
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Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Don't ask me why I wanted to read Nicholas Sparks because there is no answer, but I just finished Message in a Bottle. I would never say that he isn't a good writer, because he is. His style is very engaging and I don't want to put down his books because his writing is so entertaining and heartfelt. He puts a lot of passion into his books and you can really sense that passion. I just wish...
Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
Don't ask me why I wanted to read Nicholas Sparks because there is no answer, but I just finished Message in a Bottle. I would never say that he isn't a good writer, because he is. His style is very engaging and I don't want to put down his books because his writing is so entertaining and heartfelt. He puts a lot of passion into his books and you can really sense that passion. I just...
life lessons
my faith
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One Day
Saturday, June 9, 2012
It's a relief knowing that 28-year-old me is vastly different from 22-year-old me. Five years can make a huge difference in the life of any young person. Our perspectives change. Or at least they should. As Christians our faith should have deepened by this point. Or, unfortunately for many, that faith in God falls away altogether. I've seen friends who've had faith strengthen and I've seen friends...
classic movies
fun stuff
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What I do when I'm sick . . .
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
I'm sick.
Or have hay fever.
It's one or the other but regardless of WHAT it is, the last several days have been horrendous. More so because it was a holiday weekend and I was schedule to work the day after the holiday so I had to go to work. My boss was kind enough to schedule me for only a half day (which I really, really appreciate) but by the end of the night I was completely dragged out...
Past, Present, Future, an avengers fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Monday, May 28, 2012
Past, Present, Future, an avengers fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Sometimes the best moments of Memorial Day poignancy don't actually occur in our reality. In this case, I stumbled on an Avengers fanfic where Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America visits the 9/11 memorial. And why wouldn't he? In Capt. Rogers' book, tragedy is tragedy. It doesn't matter whether it happened yesterday or 70+ years ago.
sherlock holmes
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Sherlock Holmes Corrections
Friday, May 25, 2012
Looks like I should probably clarify a few things about my previous Sherlock Holmes posts. :-)
You know the ones, where I prefer the recent films to Sherlock?
As it turns out my opinion really wasn't set in stone. Makes me wonder if I should hold off on posting certain thoughts until I've given them a few weeks to simmer. In this case the new Downey Jr. film makes me nervous and uneasy because...
book to screen
period dramas
You know how an idea seems brilliant until you actually see it come to fruition? That's The Great Gatsby.
The book is . . . incredibly detailed, with minute little moments of sorrow and depression and beauty that can make you weep for the gloriousness of it all. Fitzgerald, whatever else he might have been, was a remarkable writer and no one will convince me otherwise. A sinner, oh yes undoubtedly, but a skilled artisan of his craft just the same.
It only stands to reason that a book which highlights depravity in the 1920s would eventually make it to the Silver Screen. I'm good with that idea. Except for the follow-through! Has anyone seen the trailer yet? It's on the main page of IMDB and I encourage you to watch it. It's like a massacre of Fitzgerald's original work. I love Leonardo DiCaprio but he is one of the last actors on God's green earth I imagined playing Gatsby. I think I had Jeremy Irons or Jason Isaacs in mind when they were younger. I wouldn't have been averse to an Englishman playing Gatsby. Leo just does not fit the role and Tobey Maguire fits the role of Nick Carraway even less.
I love the book because I analyze it and pity the characters and sense what is missing in their lives, mainly God. That's because it's not displayed on the Silver Screen for all to see, admire, and worship. I know the Roaring Twenties were morally bankrupt. I might even be able to watch a film of The Great Gatsby if it were done right. But this, pardon the word, feels like a complete bastardization of Fitzgerald's original work. It's like the clothing doesn't fit the body of his work.
Don't get me wrong, I imagine it will be a magnificent triumph. Just a pathetic misrepresentation of The Great Gatsby. *sighs* Darn you, Hollywood, when will you ever leave well enough alone!?
One Extra Thought
In the case of The Great Gatsby it's original setting is one that is very clinical, very cold, and very distant because it is all from Nick's perspective. Now, maybe the actual movie reflects that but the trailer really doesn't. Instead we have confetti flying all over the place and everyone looking like they're having a great time when really the book is a tale of loneliness and how you can be in a great whirl of humanity and still be dreadfully alone. That message is better communicated if the filming keeps to the original novel. Instead we may have another Romeo + Juliet on our hands where the only decent thing in the entire film was Leo and Claire. Oh boy, I hope not.
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"The Great Gatsby" on the Silver Screen
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
You know how an idea seems brilliant until you actually see it come to fruition? That's The Great Gatsby.
The book is . . . incredibly detailed, with minute little moments of sorrow and depression and beauty that can make you weep for the gloriousness of it all. Fitzgerald, whatever else he might have been, was a remarkable writer and no one will convince me otherwise. A sinner, oh yes undoubtedly, but a skilled artisan of his craft just the same.
It only stands to reason that a book which highlights depravity in the 1920s would eventually make it to the Silver Screen. I'm good with that idea. Except for the follow-through! Has anyone seen the trailer yet? It's on the main page of IMDB and I encourage you to watch it. It's like a massacre of Fitzgerald's original work. I love Leonardo DiCaprio but he is one of the last actors on God's green earth I imagined playing Gatsby. I think I had Jeremy Irons or Jason Isaacs in mind when they were younger. I wouldn't have been averse to an Englishman playing Gatsby. Leo just does not fit the role and Tobey Maguire fits the role of Nick Carraway even less.
I love the book because I analyze it and pity the characters and sense what is missing in their lives, mainly God. That's because it's not displayed on the Silver Screen for all to see, admire, and worship. I know the Roaring Twenties were morally bankrupt. I might even be able to watch a film of The Great Gatsby if it were done right. But this, pardon the word, feels like a complete bastardization of Fitzgerald's original work. It's like the clothing doesn't fit the body of his work.
Don't get me wrong, I imagine it will be a magnificent triumph. Just a pathetic misrepresentation of The Great Gatsby. *sighs* Darn you, Hollywood, when will you ever leave well enough alone!?
One Extra Thought
In the case of The Great Gatsby it's original setting is one that is very clinical, very cold, and very distant because it is all from Nick's perspective. Now, maybe the actual movie reflects that but the trailer really doesn't. Instead we have confetti flying all over the place and everyone looking like they're having a great time when really the book is a tale of loneliness and how you can be in a great whirl of humanity and still be dreadfully alone. That message is better communicated if the filming keeps to the original novel. Instead we may have another Romeo + Juliet on our hands where the only decent thing in the entire film was Leo and Claire. Oh boy, I hope not.
historic romance
yvonne lehman
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Book Review - Hearts that Survive by Yvonne Lehman
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Charity is solely responsible for my new-found interest in the Titanic. Along that same vein, also thanks to her, is my desire to see the story told as accurately as possible. A little romance is fine, awesome even, but only in so long as its in keeping with the actual facts of history. Now, on to my thoughts for Yvonne Lehman's Hearts that Survive.The PlotWhen wealthy heiress Lydia Beaumont boarded...
life lessons
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Colorado Politics
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Only a democrat could get away with saying "Ignorance is forgivable. Pride in ignorance never is." These are the words of a supporter of civil unions in Colorado, one of many thousands, who are desperate to overturn the ban on homosexual marriage we managed to pass in 2006. Or rather, the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman...
fun stuff
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Doodles of Thoughts
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
1) When the room smells of sugar cookies it's because you left a vanilla candle burning on your dresser. Not because your sister is baking at 10:30 at night.
2) It is possible to sell something off Ebay less than half an hour after you posted it. Who knew the original Star Wars trilogy was still so popular?
3) MacGyver fans such as myself are just crazy enough to spend an hour of their lives making...
twilight saga
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Reading "Twilight" (Part 2)
Monday, April 9, 2012
So, nearly a month later I make the time to finish reading Twilight. As I expected it took me less than two days to complete the 300 pages I had left. Stephanie is nothing if not an easy read. Now comes the moment of truth. What do I think of Twilight? My ultimate conclusion is that women who are sadly unhappy with their lives will be drawn to Twilight the most. There's something lacking from their...
book reviews
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Book Review: Diary of a Young Girl - the story of Anne Frank
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Being homeschooled you sometimes miss a few things that would have been required. Like Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl from her 25 months of confinement in Holland while hiding from the Gestapo. This was required reading in middle school it seems, but my mom had me read The Hiding Place instead, which was traumatic enough. I also read all of David Wilkerson's books (author of Cross and the Switchblade)...
modern movies
period dramas
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Movie Review: J. Edgar - A Look at the 1930s
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
First off, I know little or nothing about the life of J. Edgar Hoover, important reformer of the F.B.I. So I have no idea if there are any inconsistencies in the film about the man. Regardless, though, I do know a little bit about the 1920s and 1930s and some of the major events. Like the tracking down of notorious criminals like Baby Face Nelson and the infmaous John Dillinger,...
the breakfast club
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The Breakfast Club - A Blast to the 80s
Monday, March 26, 2012
I’m not usually one for R rated movies. I consider them restricted for a reason and so very rarely will I venture past the PG13 rating unless a movie has been edited. But sometimes, only sometimes, I reconsider my stance in order to try something new. I don’t even remember what got me on the topic of Emilio Estevez in the first place. I only know that a coworker and I started discussing the Sheen...
the hunger games
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The Hunger Games
Sunday, March 25, 2012
This isn't something I've ever really covered in any previous blog post so I might as well cover it now. I've heard many arguments for and against the series of books and now the new film. I won't rehash them now because there would be no point. I only know what I personally like and what I do like is The Hunger Games. I saw the movie yesterday with an entire group of teenagers from the library where...
twilight saga
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Reading "Twilight" (Part 1)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I don't know what possessed me to try, but I'm determined to read Stephanie Meyer's series in its entirety. Twilight was on my reading list about 4 years ago and I did read it and enjoy it, but then I tried again a year later with the intention of reading all the books but quickly gave up. It just didn't interest me like it had the first time. Of course, that was also the time when all of the Twihards...
kirk cameron
life lessons
my faith
piers morgan
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Piers Morgan & Kirk Cameron
Friday, March 9, 2012
It's happened again. Another Christian being forced into an opinion on homosexuality and then named an ignorant bigot. Only this time that Christian is Kirk Cameron and the brute is Piers Morgan and I'm having a really hard time dealing with it. Piers is brutal in his opinions of people and always has been. He's hard to watch on America's Got Talent! because of that very problem. He rarely has...
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Christian Vampire Fiction?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
How is it possible for me to go merrily along in life one moment and be broiling towards a fellow Christian the next? Who is this unfortunate soul, you ask? No one I know personally, lucky for him and me. He's a narrow-minded individual even though he's saved by the same blood that covers me and all his fellow believers. Most of the time I love being a Christian, following Christ, learning His...
Friends & The Godfather
Monday, February 27, 2012
I've been lolling around the house today, a complete sloth of utter contentment. Such a lovely experience and one I revel in because it doesn't happen very often. It's the end of my finals week which included a philosophy paper on theories of truth and an essay on Cranford which I enjoyed soooooo much. I could actually care less about my grades, or maybe it's just that I'm worn out and the nervous...
The Spirit of Fear
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Fear is a funny thing. It can paralyze you to the point where you're most afraid, not of a physical object, but of the idea of sinning against God. It's the spiritual side of fear that has you locked down, not an actual activity you've engaged in. Weird topic, I know, but this concept of fear arose in one of my classes, the last week of school as it happens. I have a fellow classmate who, at this...
life lessons
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A Day of Romance (not what you think)
Monday, February 13, 2012
Everyone who knows me intimately knows that I'm not much moved by Valentine's Day. That's not to say I'm not romantic but when you don't yet have a sweetie of your own, it's not that impressive of a holiday. That said though, sometimes Valentine's Day has its good points. Such as last Saturday. The library district I work for has been trying hard to plan different and exciting events....
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