
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Artwork by AuburnWolf91 on Deviant ArtI've loved Tolkien since I was fourteen years old and The Lord of the Rings since I was seventeen years old. The movie trilogy transformed my life in magnificent ways when all my sister and I could think of was the fear spawned by 9/11, the reality that suddenly our country wasn't as safe as we'd always assumed. This quote is as much for you as it is for...
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Classics Club: The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie (1961)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Pale HorseAuthor: Agatha ChristieYear: 1961My Rating: ★★★★Read for The Classics Club and The Agatha Christie Project.Ahh, yes, I promised myself I would get around to reviewing The Pale Horse one of these days for my Classics Club Page, and today is the day.I have seen the new Amazon miniseries for The Pale Horse and not even Rufus Sewell could save it. I go into detail...
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Announcing the We Love Lucy Blogathon for 2020!

Monday, April 20, 2020

For as long as I can remember, I have loved Lucille Ball. My first exposure to her was in my very early teens, over twenty years ago now, and she has remained one of my top favorite classic Hollywood actresses ever since. I've seen every episode of I Love Lucy at least twenty-five times and I suspect that's on the low end of reality. I've watched The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy and enjoyed...
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Movie Review: Titanic (1953)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

I actually thought I had seen this film before this weekend, but I hadn't. Believe me, I would have remembered it.Before I get started, let me just say that the film is lovely in its own way, full of wonderful Hollywood stars and lots of talent. There's no denying the skill of Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck, or a frighteningly young Robert Wagner. They're all actors of the highest caliber and I respect...
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Ruminating over Titanic

Friday, April 10, 2020

On April 10th, 1912, the "unsinkable" masterpiece Titanic set sail from Southampton in England on its maiden voyage, heading to New York City where it was supposed to dock on April 17th. Titanic stopped in Cherbourgh, France later on the 10th and Queenstown, Ireland on the 11th for additional passengers before making its way out to the open seas of the Atlantic, carrying 2,222 souls on board, counting...
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The Winsome Qualities of Greer Garson in the 1940 Pride and Prejudice

Monday, April 6, 2020

I was roughly 20-years-old when I first watched the 1940 version of Pride and Prejudice, which served a twofold purpose: beginning a life-long love affair with Laurence Olivier and launching me into a deep-rooted adoration for Greer Garson. My family gathered in the living room and I lay on a mound of blankets and pillows on the carpet, absolutely enthralled with this film. I'd never read Jane Austen...
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The Delights of Doris Day in That Touch of Mink (1962)

Friday, April 3, 2020

written for The Fourth Doris Day Blogathon. ♥Well, here we go, it's time for The Fourth Doris Day Blogathon! If you are at all interested in reading other blog posts about Doris Day, then please do click on the blogathon links. There will be a ton of excellent content shared over the next couple of days.I'm ashamed to admit that I've only seen a handful of her films, pretty much all of them from...
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Larissa Holland's Mr. Scrooge ornament prototype

Mr. Scrooge prototype pattern from Larissa Holland of mmmcraftsOh my GOSH, I cannot even begin to describe how much I LOVE this pattern idea!I've admired Larissa's work for years now, ever since she did The Twelve Days of Christmas set of patterns.But since embroidery and making tiny stitches isn't my strength, I never actually tried my hand at making any of her patterns.But I think for this one,...
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My Titanic April Bullet Journal Layout

Thursday, April 2, 2020

My bullet journal theme for April 2020 is Titanic because this month is about more than just staying at home.Starting in January, for February, I began a bullet journal. If you're not sure what they are, just type in bullet journal on Pinterest. You will find a TON of examples.They vary from gratitude journals to art journals to a planner journal that encompasses a little bit of a lot of...
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