Grieving and Tears in Full House

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I'm sure there must be personality types out there that don't make memory connections the way an ISFJ does. Lucky you. Last week, I'm sitting down to a few episodes of Full House. I'm in the 7th season now, where Jesse and Becky have been married for a few years, all the girls in the household are growing up, and Joey still can't keep a girlfriend to save his life. Oh, and Danny's fiance just...
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Ruts and Routines - I Love Lucy: Vacation from Marriage (2.6)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It is finally time to write for something other than Jeff Goldblum I know you're all grieving, as am I, but it is time to move on. Sorry, Jeff! And I figured there was no better way to move on than my post on I Love Lucy for the Favorite TV Show Episode Blogathon. Vacation from Marriage is one of my favorite episodes from the show, although if given my druthers, I could have  written about...
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Goldblum Fest: The Incomparable Detective Raines

Yes, Charity, suits and ties throughout the entire series and boy howdy, he knows how to wear them! For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released! I almost didn't bother watching this show. It is, after all, only 7 episodes long, having been canceled after the script was written for the 8th episode but never...
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Goldblum Fest: From DKoren - Goldblum in "Starsky and Hutch"

For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!

I have never seen this show, not even once, but if you're a Starsky and Hutch fan, I think you'll get a kick out of her fun review!

From DKoren - Jeff Goldblum in Starsky and Hutch

Originally I was going to write about his character in The Grand Budapest Hotel, cuz I'm a sucker for honest characters with integrity, who do the right thing regardless of risk and clear danger... but time slipped away from me.  I did, however, have time to re-watch a second season episode from one of my favorite television series, the 1970's television show, Starsky & Hutch, an ep called "Murder on Stage 17," which guest stars a ridiculously young Jeff Goldblum. How young?

This young!

Please visit DKoren's BLOG to read the entire post! It is well worth it!

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Goldblum Fest: The Animated Jeff Goldblum in "Prince of Egypt"

Saturday, March 28, 2015

For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!

I love it when actors are not only capable, but actually skilled, at voicing characters for animated films. Most of my friends can attest to my love of animated films, some with trepidation and others with mild amusement. So when I realized that Goldlbum played a voice in one of my favorite animated films of all time, I was stoked! Do people use that word anymore? Probably not, but never mind! It's just kind of a shame he played a character that I really dislike. Yikes.

Goldblum played two animated characters that I am aware of: Aaron in The Prince of Egypt (yes, he's THAT annoying guy) and then he played Ajax in Zambezia (a character almost as equally hard to like as Aaron). I mean, come on, if he'd played the bad guy in either role, I probably would have loved him! As it is, he played the annoying guy . . . the self-righteous and judgmental guy in both films. What the heck is up with that? Oh, wait, maybe it's because he does tend to play the occasional self-righteous and judgmental person in live action films too. Hmm, there's a connection here someplace. Maybe it's . . . THE VOICE. Which I happen to love providing I can see the face that goes along with it.

Be that as it may, while Prince of Egypt it still as astoundingly awesome as ever, I was surprised to find that Zambezia is actually pretty cute too with a few good messages for its audience. Also, Zambezia reunites Jeff Goldblum with a costar from waaaaay back in the day . . . Leonard Nimoy. Even though I didn't care for Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Nimoy and Goldblum both played roles in it, and at least managed to garner my interest for their scenes, which were entirely too few. So it was fun hearing their voices together again, even though Nimoy has Goldblum beat hands down for dramatic emphasis.

I'm not going to go into Zambezia for the sake of space and I can't write about everything Goldblum ever filmed, but let's just say that if you enjoy animated movies like Rio, Madagascar, and Legend of the Guardians, that you'll probably find it fun.

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Goldblum Fest: A Supernatural Effect in "Hideaway"

Friday, March 27, 2015

Jeff Goldblum in Dean Koontz's The Hideaway
For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!

Hatchford Harrison's world was shattered in one quick moment when his youngest daughter, Sam, was hit by a car while she was riding her bike. Now he, his wife Lindsey, and his surviving daughter, Regina, are trying to piece their lives together again, one day at a time. It doesn't come easy. Regina is in that rebellious teenager phase and he's lucky if he knows where she is half the time. And then it happens. On a drive back from a mini-vacation in the mountains, a trucker falls asleep at the wheel, sends Hatch's vehicle spinning out of control and they plunge off the side of the road. Shoved to safety, Regina watches the car with her parents careen down the embankment to the freezing waters of a river far below.

Technically, this should be the end of the story. It's not. Dr. Jonas Nyebern specializes in reanimation within reason, and Hatch's condition, hypothermia for one thing, is ideal for an attempt to save the man's life. The attempt works and Hatch is revived, to the giddy relief of his wife and daughter. The only problem now is that Hatch is hallucinating. Not just any hallucinations, but ones of violent acts . . . murder, blood, and insanity. At first he think he either murders during these black-out periods or that he's going crazy. Neither is the case. Instead, Hatch is seeing through the eyes of a serial killer. The downside? The killer, a young lunatic named Vassago, can also see through Hatch's eyes.
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Goldblum Fest: From Charity - Zach Nichols, The ISTP Detective (Law and Order: CI)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Allow me to say just one thing . . . Zach Nicholas is AWESOME. Charity introduced me to him last weekend. Literally, the last detective I met that I loved this much is the canon Sherlock Holmes. Hmm, is it coincidence that both of them are ISTPs? I think not. So, go to Charity's blog (link at bottom of post). Read. Enjoy. Learn. Revel in the gloriousness that is the ISTP detective. From Charity:...
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Goldblum Fest: A World of Compromise in "Deep Cover"

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!

Do you ever look at people and wonder how they started life in a certain way and then got derailed? I mean, look at Tom Cruise. In his youth he wanted to be a Catholic priest and now he's a member of Scientology, an expensive and popularized cult. How do you get there?

I look at David Jason (Goldblum's character) in Deep Cover in much the same way, with a highly quizzical expression and a need to understand. Because I know why Laurence Fishburne's character, Russell Stevens Jr., is doing what he's doing. He's a cop under cover, really deep cover, trying to take down a drug ring. He has to get in tight with the bad boys, which unfortunately means selling some drugs on the street, which frankly, I'm not sure would have actually happened. But hey, this is the movies. What do you want? Accuracy?

No, what I'm talking about is David Jason. He is an apparent upstanding American citizen of Jewish heritage with a charming blonde wife and adorable little daughter. He is literally living the American dream, fine house, nice car, perfect life. Except that his life is built on lies and drugs and immorality. He is Russell's point of contact with the drug cartel. Everything about Jason is a lie.

On the exterior, Jason appears pristine, handsome, likeable even, in typical Jeff Goldblum fashion. But on the inside, he is corrupt. There is a high probability that David Jason was raised by devout Jewish parents. They likely prayed daily, took him to Synagogue, and he probably had a bar Mitzvah. To say nothing of celebrating Hanukkah and and Passover and all of the other traditions that go along with being, well, Jewish. But somewhere along that traditional religious path, he took one step down a different road.
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Goldblum Fest: From Charity, Jurassic Park (A Lesson in Fatherhood)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!I knew Charity was writing this post. We sort of mulled over ideas on the weekend and I do believe her lessons on fatherhood from Jurassic Park stem in part from bits of a few conversations we shared. She's right. Yes, Ian's intellect is delightful, but there is so...
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Goldblum Fest: Hamlette's review of Silverado (1985)

For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!If there is one thing I love about Hamlette, it's her talent at making almost any movie review laugh-out-loud funny. This review is hilarity personified! I really never know Goldblum had performed in a western, let alone with such actors as Kevin Costner and Kevin...
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Goldblum Fest: Personality Typing the INTP x ISFJ using Jurassic Park

Monday, March 23, 2015

For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released!This post from Funky MBTI Fiction just seemed entirely too fortuitous for me to overlook. With permission, I'm sharing it with you. The mod of the above tumblr board is responding to someone wanting an example of an INTP and an ISFJ contrasted with one another in the...
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Goldblum Fest: The Attraction to Intellectual Men

Welcome to Day One of the Goldblum Fest! For all blog posts related to this Goldblum Fest, visit THIS page for a complete set of links, updated as posts are released! It's remarkable what can happen in a single weekend. I just returned from visiting Charity since we only live a few hours from one another. She agreed, most kindly I think, to spend much of our time together watching...
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Lesson in Soul Mates from Robert Downey Jr. in "Only You"

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Along from my sudden Jeff Goldblum craze is the Robert Downey Jr. craze. It's weird how these two crazes appear to be going in tandem, especially since I didn't even like RDJ up until last year. Be that as it may, I like him now, and so for the last few weeks, I've spent time tracking down some of his older films, like Soapdish, Heart and Souls, and a cute little film called Only You, on which this post is based.

Every once in a great while, I briefly ponder the idea of soul mates. But always without giving the thought much credence or, quite frankly, attention. In fact, I haven't really thought about soul mates in years, not until I watched Only You which is steeped in the concept, particularly Plato's theology.

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In Defense of Tony Stark

Friday, March 6, 2015

I must admit that a post by Marissa Baker got me started thinking about bad boys vs. good guys, etc. So you can actually give her a kudos for inspiring me to delve a little deeper into the reasons why I like some bad boys compared to others. It all boils down to 4 qualifications that they exude, either a few of the qualifications or all of them: Power, Seduction, Wealth, Intellect. All...
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Announcing the Goldblum Fest - March 23rd thru the 29th

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Have you ever had an actor epiphany? I watched Jurassic Park for the first time a year ago, saw Jeff Goldblum clad all in black and literally went, "Where the heck have you been all my life?" That's what comes of him performing in films I, prior to discovering the man, had no interest in ever seeing, Jurassic Park accepted. However, much to my delight and your horror, I am now a bona fide Jeff...
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