The L. M. Montgomery Tag

Friday, February 24, 2023

This fun tag is part of Hamlette's We Love L. M. Montgomery Week. ♥1. Who introduced you to L. M. Montgomery's writing?  Tell us the story!I honestly think it was me. I grew up with the Megan Follows miniseries so when I reached my late teens I just decided to try some of her Anne books. I'm not sure when I first saw the miniseries, only that it's always been there, just like the...
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We ♥ L. M. Montgomery Week - Emily of New Moon (a review)

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Emily of New Moon was read for Hamlette's We Love L. M. Montgomery Week. ♥This was my first time reading Montgomery's Emily of New Moon. It's incredible how fast I read it. It was hard to put it down when I had to do other things, like, oh work or sleep or go run errands. It's a very enchanting, melancholy sort of story, and I was completely pulled into it.Creative souls are hard to...
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Great Expectations: Time Marches On

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Time is cruelty for Miss Havisham, the eccentric owner of Satis House in Charles Dickens’ fine novel Great Expectations. The progression of time drives her mad; to protect what little sanity she has left she must stop time’s progression. It’s impossible to do so. Time is powerful and in its willful determination to do as God dictates, Miss Havisham leads a fantasy life where she protects herself from...
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First Classics Club Read of 2023 - Pride and Prejudice (1813) by Jane Austen

Thursday, February 9, 2023

I'm sitting at my laptop with my cup of delicious Blackcurrent Breeze tea from Twinings and my fingers freezing due to the dip in temperatures outside. I am so immensely grateful today. I'm grateful for my cup of tea. For my space heater that is working its little tail off to warm my home office space. For my cozy slippers and wool socks. And I'm grateful for Jane Austen.I first encountered Austen...
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Japanese Movie Review: We Love (2018)

Monday, February 6, 2023

Rin (Hirano Sho) and Yuu (Sakurai Hinako) have been childhood friends forever, but their relationship has always been rocky due to Rin's bullying techniques and Yuu's extreme anxiety disorder. They happen to live next door to one another in the same apartment complex, go to the same high school, and even share the same set of friends in Koyomi and Keita. Yuu lacks confidence in herself in spades and...
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Looking Back at January 2023 Reads

Thursday, February 2, 2023

One goal/non-goal I have for 2023 is to set aside time to read. It's so easy to get caught up in scrolling on your phone randomly and before you know it, you've fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole for hours with nothing to show for it. Other than baking recipes you'll never make or debunking videos for things you would never try in the first place. If you get my drift.So for me, reading five books...
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Setting February 2023 Reading Goals

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

I don't usually set reading goals for myself since I technically fail at them. But I sense that setting them here and in my bujo rather than on Goodreads will have a positive impact. I would like to complete 5 books in February, just like I did in January (yay!).Finish reading Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery, for the We ♥ L. M. Montgomery Week that starts on February 20th, hosted by Hamlette....
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