Announcing Celebrate Jeremy Brett Month

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The brilliant actor of Sherlock Holmes fame, Jeremy Brett's birthday falls on November 3rd. Because I seem to be in a let's-binge-watch-Jeremy-Brett frame of mind, doing a month-long celebration of his work seems like an excellent idea.This won't be a blog party unless anyone else wants to participate and then I can do a link-up blog post. If you would like a blog button, there are a couple at the...
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Radio Theater: Orson Welles in Dracula (7/11/1938)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

 Dracula Starring: Orson Welles, Elizabeth Fuller, George Colouris, Agnes Moorehead, Martin Gabel, Ray Collins, Karl Swenson Studio: Mercury Theatre on the Air Year: July 11, 1938 My Rating: ★★★★★ Available free from The Mercury Theatre on the Air (if you have trouble listening or downloading, you can also listen to it here on YouTube) The Mercury Theatre...
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Welcome to the Library

Saturday, October 16, 2021

 We knew we needed 4 rooms.Two bedrooms, a craft room, and finally, a room for a personal library.While it might not be quite as grand as the Beast's library in Beauty and the Beast (that's our ultimate goal someday), it's still pretty awesome. This room had built-in shelves against one wall, the clincher as it were for us to really want this house.As you can tell, we needed more bookcases (and...
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House Update

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Our backyard as summer turns to fall (my sister's herb garden is on the right, with a little extra Halloween decor)Oh my goodness, so many things have happened in the last few months.As you all know, my sister and I purchased a house. We closed on August 31st and moved on September 10th.Then, on the 17th, our parents moved in with us.They had an opportunity to sell their home with no muss or fuss...
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