Humphrey Bogart stars in "In A Lonely Place" (1950)

Sunday, January 31, 2021

It's remarkable thinking that In a Lonely Place is 71-years-old this year. The older I get, the older classic Hollywood gets, and yet, many of their films never truly seems to age. They remain timeless, which, unfortunately, is more than can be said of many of our current day films that just sort of swirl down the drain and vanish into the sewers.

Go to my Classic Hollywood page to find all my Classic Hollywood reviews!

Bogart plays Dixon Steele, a screenplay writer in Hollywood, but one with a bit of a mad temper on him, and a propensity to loathe any of the books that directors want to hire him to adapt for the silver screen. One late night, he actually takes a cute little cloakroom girl named Mildred Atkinson (Martha Stewart) home for no other reason than she has read the book that he's been hired to adapt and he has no interest in reading it. So he brings her home so she can simply give him a rough synopsis of the story. She, of course, is suspicious of him at first, but then settles in eagerly to her storytelling. She finishes and he sends her home, or rather, around the corner to catch a cab, and he goes to bed, after making eye contact with his lovely neighbor across the way, Laurel Gray (Gloria Grahame).

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Manga Classics: L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables (2020)

Friday, January 29, 2021

Just a brief mention to the newly initiated, manga is supposed to read right to left (because manga is Japanese and this is how their language is penned). There is nothing wrong with the printing of the book even if it feels backward. There are instructions in the volume to help you read it correctly.I've never read Anne of Green Gables, but I've watched the 1980s miniseries countless times so I know...
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Help Me Decide?

Thursday, January 28, 2021

I'm participating in the Valentine's Day Period Drama Blog Party hosted by Heidi and I have so many ideas plunking around in my head that I just can't decide what to write! I'm limiting myself to 5 possible choices and would love your vote for your favorite option(s)! And if you don't have an opinion or are good with me writing anything, then that's fine too. What period drama would...
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Classics Club: Phantastes - A Faerie Romance by George MacDonald (1858)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Phantastes is a peculiar little book. A little over 200 pages, it is like falling into a deep sleep and rambling through a fantasy world with very little cohesiveness to provide a substantial backbone or plot to the experience.I read Phantastes for the Classics Club, specifically for Classics Club Spin #25. You can find my Classics Club list HERE.The reader follows the adventures of Anodos, a young...
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The Fantastical and Felicitous Fictional Character Blog Tag

I was very kindly tagged for this by The Maidens of Green Gables. Thank you, ladies, I enjoyed it immensely! My nominees at the bottom of the list.Here are your rules as set out by the originator of the tag, Emily of The Altogether Unexpected blog.Answer every question honestly. (duh.)Use as many gifs and images as possible.Incorporate at least one YouTube video with a favorite scene of a character.NO...
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A spine-tingling Edwardian tale based on truth - The Purple Nightgown (2021) by A. D. Lawrence

Sunday, January 24, 2021

 Set in the year 1911, when heiress Stella Burke suffers from migraines of unimaginable pain, she is willing to try almost anything to obtain relief, even if it means checking to a "fasting" clinic in Washington State run by Dr. Linda Hazzard. Despite the fears of her chauffer and childhood friend Henry, Stella pursues treatment from Dr. Hazard, only to discover soon enough that the clinic is...
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When 1984 meets Jane Austen! - Pudge and Prejudice by A. K. Pittman (2021)

Friday, January 22, 2021

Where has this book been all my life?! Apparently plunking around inside the head of Allison Pittman who, just like me, thinks that pairing Jane Austen with teens straight out of a John Hughes film is pure BRILLIANCE! Poor Elyse Nebbit, a year younger than her gorgeous and (naturally) sweet sister, Jayne, and at least twenty pounds heavier, probably closer to thirty. Dead certain that boys are...
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COVER REVEAL - Shadow (book 2 in the Heirs of Neverland series) by Kara Swanson

Thursday, January 21, 2021

 Oh my gosh! I'm so excited to see the cover for Kara Swanson's Shadow, the second book in the Heirs of Neverland duology that releases in July 2021! It feels like such a long wait! I'm crazy about Peter Pan and Peter Pan retellings so you can imagine my exhilaration on discovering a Peter Pan series by a Christian author. Christian fantasy has been so hard to come by for many, many years....
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Book Review: The Petrified Flesh (Reckless #1) by Cornelia Funke (2010)

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Ever since Jacob Reckless was a child, he has been escaping to a hidden world through a portal in his father's abandoned study. Over the years, he has made a name for himself as a finder of enchanted items and buried secrets. He's also made many enemies and allies -- most important, Fox, a beautiful shape-shifting vixen whom Jacob cares for more than he lets on.But life in this other world is about...
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Joining the investing world!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

❤ Click above to visit my Poshmark Closet @sparklingangel! ❤I've been a Poshmark reseller for roughly 2 years, maybe a little longer, definitely a Posh Ambassador for at least 18 months. Posh Ambassadors have reached certain goals (number of shares, number of sales, shipping speed, etc.).It's fun to be a reseller because it keeps usable items out of the landfill and gives me a little bit of extra...
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Book Review: Dust (Book 1 in the Heirs of Neverland series) by Kara Swanson (2020)

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Official Synopsis  The truth about Neverland is far more dangerous than a fairy tale. Claire Kenton believes the world is too dark for magic to be real—since her twin brother was stolen away as a child. Now Claire’s desperate search points to London... and a boy who shouldn't exist. Peter Pan is having a beastly time getting back to Neverland. Grounded in London and hunted by his...
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