Written for the Period Drama Challenge hosted by Laurie over at Old-Fashioned Charm. ❤
Risen (2016, PG13)
starring Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton, and Peter Firth
I'd been anticipating Risen since I saw the trailer in a showing of Captive (a film well worth watching) last year. I honestly thought I'd missed Risen in theaters because they changed the 2016 release date from January to...
frank langella blogathon 2016
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tips and tricks
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POSTPONED UNTIL JUNE 1ST- 3RD . . . Announcing . . . the Frank Langella Blogathon!
Friday, February 26, 2016
Look at me, I'm actually planning a blogathon out more than just a month! Shocking, I know. It's hard to believe it's actually been more than a year since my Goldblum Fest. I was planning my blog parties in February for some reason, but decided to change it up a little bit and try a new month.
Why Langella, you ask? Why not, I say!
My bff introduced me to Langella via Zorro waaaaaaay back in 2002...
Audible trick so you don't spend a fortune!
For those of you who've never heard of it, Audible is a partner company with Amazon and it only sells E-audiobooks. That's its business. But one thing that makes it different is that the company evolves and offers specialized readings to its users, like a new offering of Alice in Wonderland performed by Scarlett Johansson or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn read by Elijah Wood. Pretty cool, huh?Well,...
book reviews
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Book Review: At Love's Bidding by Regina Jennings
Thursday, February 25, 2016
At Love's Bidding by Regina JenningsBethany House Publishers2015My Rating✯✯❤ Goodreads Synopsis ❤After helping her grandfather at their Boston auction house, Miranda Wimplegate discovers she's accidentally sold a powerful family's prized portrait to an anonymous bidder. Desperate to appease the furious family, her grandfather tracks it to the Missouri Ozarks and makes an outlandish offer to buy...
book reviews
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Audiobook Review: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens . . . read by Tim Curry
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickensperformed by Tim CurryAudible2009My Rating✯✯✯✯✯ Purchase from Audible Every year at Christmastime, the Amazon audiobook company Audible releases an audiobook as a gift to its members. In 2009 that gift was a dramatic reading of A Christmas Carol by Tim Curry.I was essentially just browsing through Audible last night, bored you might say, and hoping to find something...
shane read along
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FYI - Western Classics Giveaway on The Edge of the Precipice
Sunday, February 21, 2016
My friend Hamlette of The Edge of the Precipice recently hosted her marvelous Shane read-along.Now, as a finale to the read-along, she's offering a film giveaway that includes 4 different movies: Shane, Silverado, 3:10 to Yuma (1957) and the Whispering Smith.The GIVEAWAY runs until February 26th. If you're interested in any of the movies listed, I encourage you to try your lu...
book reviews
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Book Review: The Shock of Night by Patrick W. Carr
Friday, February 19, 2016
The Shock of Night (The Darkwater Saga #1)Patrick W. CarrBethany House Publishers2015My Rating✯✯✯✯❤ Goodreads Synopsis ❤ When one man is brutally murdered and the priest he works for mortally wounded on the streets of Bunard, Willet Dura is called to investigate. Yet the clues to the crime lead to contradictions and questions without answers. As Willet begins to question the dying priest, the...
1940s films
classic hollywood
claude rains
humphrey bogart
ingrid bergman
peter lorre
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1940s Week: The Human Condition in Casablanca (1942)
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Written for 1940s Week hosted by An Old Fashioned Girl. ❤
For at least 15 years I held off on watching Casablanca. It's one
of my parents' favorite movies, my dad's especially, but I never really
appreciated or even liked Humphrey Bogart until just a couple of years ago and
even then I limited myself to his films with Lauren Bacall. Casablanca just
was not on my radar, at least, not until a...
1940s films
cary grant
classic hollywood
james stewart
katharine hepburn
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1940s Week: The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Monday, February 15, 2016
Written for 1940s Week hosted by An Old Fashioned Girl. ❤
Instead of focusing on fashion or strictly the era in this post for The Philadelphia Story I decided instead to focus on the characters and the plot. Yes, it's 1940s, and I admit that the guys are gorgeous in their suits, but the story itself is what needs to be discussed. Although I will say that Katharine Hepburn wears one of the most bizarre...
Movie Review: The Meaning of Self-Worth in Sabrina (1954)
A friend of mine mentioned the other day how she's giving up self-criticism for Lent since the season just started. And it got me thinking about the importance of self-worth, which kind of goes hand-in-hand with the concept of self-criticism.
Oh my gosh, when I think of all the hours I've spent doubting my own self-worth, I'm tempted to cringe a little bit. But I don't think...
period dramas
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Period Drama Challenge - January Tag Questions
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Yes, I confess to being a good, ohhhh, 11 days late in responding to this, but better late than not at all with these types of things. Plus, I thought it would be fun, which it was rather!
January Tag Questions:
1. What period dramas did you view in January?
I watched Beyond the Mask and Oliver Twist. Both of which I liked very much.
2. What is your favorite Charles Dickens film adaptation?
fairy tales
period dramas
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Period Drama Challenge - Ladyhawke (1985)
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Written for the Period Drama Challenge hosted by Laurie over at Old-Fashioned Charm. ❤
Ladyhawke (1985, PG13)
starring Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Alfred Molina
Just looking at the cover of this movie is making me melt and want to watch it again. And I've already watched it 3 times since the start of 2016! Which, I do admit, is in excess and more than I usually...
shane read along
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book reviews
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Read Jack Schaefer's Shane with Hamlette!
Saturday, February 6, 2016
I'm sure that most fans of classic film have at least watched Shane and while it's been at least 20 years since I've seen it, I am participating in this delightful read-along of the original novel hosted on Hamlette's blog. If you're anything like me you had no idea there even was a novel, but there was, written by a man named Jack Schaefer, and it's quite excellent. Not very long, only 16 chapters...
Book Review: Unleashing Mr. Darcy by Teri Wilson
Unleashing Mr. Darcy by Teri WilsonHarlequin Publishers2014My Rating ✯❤ Goodreads Synopsis ❤ It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman teetering on the verge of thirty must be in want of a husband.Not true for Manhattanite Elizabeth Scott. Instead of planning a walk down the aisle, she's crossing the pond with the only companion she needs; her darling dog, Bliss. Caring for...
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