I'm sure that most fans of classic film have at least watched
Shane and while it's been at least 20 years since I've seen it, I am participating in this delightful
read-along of the original novel hosted on Hamlette's blog. If you're anything like me you had no idea there even
was a novel, but there was, written by a man named Jack Schaefer, and it's quite excellent. Not very long, only 16 chapters and my personal copy is 119 pages. We're going chapter by chapter, uncovering little nuggets and thoughts along the way, and it's delightful. We're up to chapter 10, but it's not too late for you to join in, which I heartily encourage people to do. I'm delighted to admit that I'm enjoying the novel so much since the film never really spoke to me. Of course, I was barely a teenager at my last viewing so I might want to give it another try. ❤
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