Let's Talk Right-Wing Cancel Culture!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


from Tenor

There's been a bizarre increase of Right-Wing Cancel Culture, and I don't mean cancel culture against the opposing viewpoint, I mean cancel culture against what should technically be our own people.

What I'm talking about is The Daily Wire Brett Cooper/Reagan Conrad controversy for The Comments Section YouTube channel. Brett is no longer with DW, has her own EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL YT channel now, and Reagan is the new host for the DW's channel The Comments Section. Well, turns out, this was an incredibly controversial event. And instead of diehard Brettbros (I believe her fans call themselves that) peacefully transitioning to Brett's new channel, they are now doing the cancel culture thing of literally flooding all of Reagan's videos with bullying comments.

Now, I have nothing against Brett. But I'm 41 and far too old for this type of petty behavior. There is no call for there to be hundreds of comments on each of Reagan's videos literally lambasting her, hating on the the DW, chanting for the downfall of the channel, etc. I am there for the content. When Brett was the host I was still there just for the content. I do not care who provides the information to me, I am loyal to the premise of the channel itself.

I do not need Brett's little anti-fan army reminding me on every single of Reagan's videos that Brett has her own channel, that her 1st, 2nd, blah blah episode are up. I KNOW! Do they think I've buried my head in the sand and have no clue what's been going on!? If I wanted to follow Brett and watch her content I would do so.

I also happen to be an extremely stubborn person. The more somebody pushes buttons to manipulate me into doing something or attempts to cause the downfall of someone, the angrier I am going to become and less likely it is I that I will actually do what you want.

from Pinterest

Cancel culture is an ugly thing. I regret participating back with the whole anti-Star Wars rant related to Gina Carano that WENT ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. It's ugly when you try to silence opposing viewpoints because we should be better than our opponents and not do to them what they have done to us. But it is absolutely reprehensible for people who share the SAME BASIC PRINCIPLES to attempt to cancel someone simply because they didn't like what went down. 

Hopefully I'm wrong and these people are just trolls. But I have an awful feeling that I'm right. I wish Brett well. I hope she has a great amount of success. But I will watch who I want to watch and right now, that person isn't her. Because Reagan and the DW have proven to be the "better person" in this whole situation by simply carrying on and not addressing the bullies. That takes a lot of guts and I applaud them for continuing to push out relevant content and not stooping to the level of the mudslinging Brettbros.

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