Brando and Miiko Taka in Sayonara
I love Japan, almost everything about it, which is probably why my perspective on Sayonara has changed from the first time I watched it, ohhhh, some odd 5 years ago. I understand the Japanese culture better now, enough to realize that Brando's character, Major Lloyd Gruver, is fortunate that he didn't insult the entirety of the nation with his passionate pursuit...
paula deen
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life lessons
major crimes
my faith
the closer
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Poor Paula
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Paula Deen used a racial slurr. In the past. Her entire life is unraveling before her eyes because she dared use the N word. In the past! Is this any reason for her to lose the entirety of her livelihood in one fell swoop because she at some point used a racial slurr?
What has happened to America?! I am in no way excusing Paula Deen, but the poor woman has already apologized countless times,...
The Father Figure in The Closer & Major Crimes
Provenza and Sanchez in The Closer
Today, as I watched Julio Sanchez on The Closer break down in tears in his superior’s arms, my heart shattered for him. Sanchez is strong. He’s a fighter. He became a cop when everyone else in his neighborhood joined a gang. And his brother was killed because he was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap Julio had given him for his birthday only a month...
contemporary drama
melody carlson
teen fiction
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1950s films
classic hollywood
marlon brando
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Book Review: Deceived: Lured from the Truth by Melody Carlson
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Deceived: Lured from the Truth by Melody CarlsonMy rating: 4 of 5 starsI love how this series doesn't need to be read in order. A good thing since my library only owns the final 2 books for some reason. Totally weird.While I wouldn't say Deceived is as good as Melody Carlson's final book in this series, it still packs quite the punch. Life is unpredictable and nothing is more unpredictable than those...
Brando: The Wild One (1953)
Marlon Brando & Mary Murphy in The Wild One
I like rebels, or at least the idea of the rebel as Hollywood depicts it. Marlon Brando really started the trend, followed by the all-too short life and acting career of James Dean. Dean often attributed his look in Rebel without a Cause to Marlon Brando's reckless behavior in The Wild One from 1953. You could even say that there wouldn't have been...
fandom: mbti
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Being an ISFJ - Part Two
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Yes, Samwise Gamgee is an ISFJ
I know that someone must be reading these ISFJ posts because they're getting hits, so I hope they're useful to you. :) If you have any questions, just post a comment. Or if you've got something you wish I would cover, let me know. ...
contemporary drama
melody carlson
teen fiction
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Book Review: Enticed: A Dangerous Connection by Melody Carlson
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Enticed: A Dangerous Connection by Melody CarlsonMy rating: 5 of 5 starsI picked this book up this morning and finally set it down before heading to work tonight, having finished the whole thing in a matter of hours. It's one of those stories where you just can't stop reading because you're terrified of what might happen to the heroine, and you HAVE to know the conclusion before doing anything else!When...
1960s films
classic hollywood
marlon brando
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colleen coble
historic romance
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Brando: A Countess from Hong Kong (1966)
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Marlon, darling, dearest, I love you, but you have never been, will never be, a comedic actor. You are not Bob Hope or Bing Crosby, so falling flat on your face makes the audience rather wince instead of laugh.
With that made perfectly clear, A Countess from Hong Kong still manages to be pretty cute. Sophia Loren plays a woman whose parents were Russian nobility and fled to Hong Kong during...
Book Review: Blue Moon Promise by Colleen Coble
Blue Moon Promise by Colleen CobleMy rating: 3 of 5 starsThere are exemplary Christian historic romances and there are rotten ones. Blue Moon Promise falls somewhere in between. While Colleen Coble does not have the power to move her readers like Karen Witemeyer, she still develops likeable heroes and heroines. They're just not great, and not entirely memorable.I like the heroine, Lucy, and I also...
classic hollywood
marlon brando
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Marlon Brando: Hollywood's Classic Leading Man for June
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Marlon Brando (as if you couldn't tell)
I've decided to try something new this summer, or rather, something old. Every month through August, I will pick a classic leading man. I will watch his films and write posts accordingly for each one that I see. Some may be only a few paragraphs long or they may be veritable essays of adoration depending on my mood and the impression I got from the film.
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