As thin shadows swayed across my window blind, my fingers clutched the book to my chest. My throat muscles convulsed, and the blood trapped in my veins by the shock suddenly thundered on, rushing heat through my body.It was him… the creeping man.This was my first identifiable memory as a Sherlock Holmes fan.Of course, the creeping man wasn’t actually outside my window; it was a crazy shadow cast by...
classic children's literature party 2023
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Announcing the Classic Children's Literature Party April 2023
Monday, January 23, 2023
Updated April 2023: Join the Classic Children's Literature Party!I cannot lay claim to the idea. A lovely blog called Simpler Pastimes hosted CCLE for quite a few years, but the last one was in April 2017 so I have decided to begin hosting my own version with a slight name change to Classic Children's Literature Party or CCLP. I have dearly missed the event for a few reasons. One being that reading...
2020 japanese dramas
japanese drama
tao tsuchiya
yamazaki kento
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Japanese Drama Review: Alice in Borderland, Season One (2020)
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Stories that involve being trapped in a game are the popular it thing right now. I love trapped in a game stories, but while I "enjoyed" AinB, it's really not that original. I could get the same thing watching Tron, The Hunger Games, or The Maze Runner, and actually enjoy those more. If not for the likeable leads of Arisu and Usagi, I would have dropped it halfway through the first season....
2023 japanese dramas
kamenashi kazuya
kitayama hiromitsu
omasa aya
seigi no tenbin
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Kamenashi Kazuya gears up in 2023 for season two of the hit Japanese law drama, Seigi no Tenbin
Monday, January 16, 2023
Seigi no Tenbin tells the story of Takano-san, a defense attorney with a a vendetta against criminals due to personal loss in his life. Some think the character is better suited for a prosecuting attorney, but I disagree since Takano-san has to put aside his own prejudice in order to serve his ethically serve his clients. It would be so easy for a prosecuting attorney to just go full-tilt into revenge...
1960s films
fred macmurray
jack lemmon
shirley maclaine
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The Apartment (1960): A Lesson in Power Harassment
Thursday, January 12, 2023
The Apartment (1960)starring Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, and Fred MacMurrayOne of my favorite Christmas movies is actually a very depressing movie about power harassment and attempted suicide that happens to take place over Christmas. Weird, right?There will be some spoilers, so keep that in mind when reading.The Apartment was released in 1960 and stars Jack Lemmon as C.C. Baxter, Shirley MacLaine...
blog plans
my life
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Welcome to 2023!
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Yes, things were sporadic last year, for a variety of personal reasons. It was not an easy year, by any means, but there is a somewhat brighter outlook right now so I'm making plans for this blog that you can count on going forwa...
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