Remembering Haruma Miura

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

 It's almost time.Looking back, it's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since Haruma Miura's passing on July 18th, 2020.Only 3 celebrity suicides have ever affected me in a deeply personal way: Jonathan Brandis, Robin Williams, and Haruma Miura. And Pete Duel too, I suppose, although his death happened long before I was born.But for Haruma Miura, it still doesn't seem quite real.He...
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June 2021: Currently Watching in Jdramaland!

I don't usually plan out my drama watching, and it usually shows that I don't. But it's something I've decided to more diligent about planning out, so all 3 of these dramas are ones that were either already on my list or are ones that I have been faithfully watching since May, since not all of them are completely subbed yet. So here we go, get ready for my thoughts on Love Kome no Okite: Kojirase...
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A Good Night's Sleep and a New Type of Lunch Prep!

Good morning (from me and Yamapi)!For the first time in months, I didn't take any sleeping aid last night.While it might not have been the deepest night's sleep, I actually woke up right at the time my alarm went off and I feel fairly rested today, which is a bit surprising. I rarely feel rested so it's just possible that the sleep aid doesn't actually help. It might make me more tired than I would...
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Re-reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876) by Mark Twain

Monday, June 21, 2021

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

Golden Press edition

Illustrated by Polly Bolian

I read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for the Classics Club, and you can find my Classics Club list HERE.

I took a week's vacation with my family at the end of May, right before Memorial Day. We headed into the Colorado Rockies for a camping trip and I intentionally brought The Adventures of Tom Sawyer with me. I read it countless times as a child and a teenager, but it had been many, many years since I'd last picked it up. I still have my original copy, very careworn at this point, and published before adding forewords and afterwords penned by the so-and-sos and whos-who of the literary world became the trend.

It seemed just the ideal reading choice for a stream-side campsite surrounded by woods, and it was indeed so.

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Yuki Yamada is outstanding in "Koko wa Ima kara Rinri desu" (2021)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Koko wa Ima kara Rinri desu (From Now On We Begin Ethics)

Country: Japan

Year: 2021

Episodes: 8 episodes, 30 minutes each

Genre: Psychological, School, Drama

Starring: Yuki Yamada, Mizuki Kayashima, Yuto Ikeda

My Rating

Click to read more of my reviews for Japanese entertainment.

Actor Yuki Yamada snagged my attention as the second male lead in Itazura na Kiss, but I never expected a profound role from him. Certainly nothing life-shattering. 

Color me wrong.

The 2021 Japanese drama series Koko wa Ima kara Rinri desu (or From Now on We Begin Ethics) is an outstanding psychological experiment.

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My Blogging Life

I know that I've been awol these last couple of months.Most people probably figure out who they are when they're in their teens or early twenties. Not so with me. All of my interests, or a large majority of them, were influenced by others. A couple of those interests are probably genuine, but I don't actually know that for sure anymore. Except for my love of Japan, Stephen King, and psychological...
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