Drama Review: Kimi wa Petto (2017)

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Kimi wa Petto or You're My Pet! (Japanese live-action drama series)based on the manga of the same nameYear: 2017Episodes: 16 episodes / 45 minutes eachStarring: Iriyama Noriko, Shison Jun, Takezai Terunosuke, Yanagi Yurina29-year-old Iwaya Sumire (Iriyama Noriko) has had a bad day. Make that the worst of all bad days. She has been dumped by her boyfriend of 5 years when she was anticipating a marriage...
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Movie Review: My Little Monster (2018)

Monday, July 27, 2020

My Little Monster (Japanese live-action film) based on the manga of the same name Year: 2018 Starring: Suda Masaki, Tsuchiya Tao, Yamada Yuki, Furukawa Yuuki Official MDL (My Drama List) Synopsis Mizutani Shizuku (Tsuchiya Tao) is a self-absorbed overachiever,​ concerned only with maintaining the highest grades in school.​ Yoshida Haru (Suda Masaki) is an impulsive short tempered...
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Learn to Argue

Saturday, July 25, 2020

I had an epiphany while watching one of my Japanese dramas, Proposal Daisakusen. In life, it's absolutely paramount that you learn to disagree with others and even argue. That you can feel there is a safe space in which to do that and that it won't put the relationship at risk.I'd never given it that much thought before, but the idea struck me between the eyes today because it's so true.I have...
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Period Drama Review: Emma (1996)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Were you expecting the much beloved version of Emma starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam? That's fine if you were. I didn't know until this year that a second version of Emma also came out in 1996, this time starring a remarkably young Kate Beckinsale as the leading lady.I have a confession to make. Emma Woodhouse has always been my least favorite of Austen's heroines, with Fanny Price...
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Movie Review: Koizora or Sky of Love (2007)

Monday, July 20, 2020

In light of Miura Haruma's death, I wasn't sure if I should post this movie review yet or not. But I feel like it's a disservice to his memory to not talk about his body of work. I think it'll help me a bit in the grieving process too. So here we go.Koizora or Sky of Love (Japanese live-action film)Year: 2007Starring: Miura Haruma and Aragaki YuiStory Synopsis for Sky of LoveGood girl Mika is the...
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Japanese actor Miura Haruma dies at age 30

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Much-loved Japanese actor Miura Haruma was found deceased in his Tokyo home the morning of Saturday, July 18, 2020. It is suspected suicide since he left a note.What can I even say at a time like this?I never knew this man personally, but I have appreciated several of his films and consider him to be a top-notch actor. But we never know what's going on inside someone's head. All I know is that...
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Learning Swedish

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I finally started a notebook for all the Swedish phrases/words I'm learning. I should have done that at the beginning, but I never learned another language before, not even in high school since I was homeschooled, so it's not natural for me to keep notes on stuff like this. But, I want to do my best and the only way that will happen is if I keep practicing the personal pronouns and plurals and possessives...
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Catching Up

Saturday, July 11, 2020

And so the world goes round and round.It's been such a bloody long time since the start of COVID, but here we are with the world having not yet returned to normal. Not that I'm actually expecting it to, but I live in so much hope.Yesterday depressed me.I spent 5 hours with a very dear friend of mine. We went out to lunch at a local Mexican restaurant that we both enjoy. Then we watched Finding Neverland...
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