I'm including this for the Tolkien Blog Party of Special Magnificence (hosted by Hamlette)
Fourteen years ago, I was so avidly in love with all things Tolkien that I delved into fanfiction. This week, I've done something I almost swore to myself I would never do. I looked back at some of my writings, grimaced at the emotionalism of it all, and decided to give this story, one of which I'm particularly...
Lord of the Rings
the hobbit
tolkien blog party of special magnificence 2015
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A Tolkien Blog Party of Special Magnificence 2015 (hosted by Hamlette)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
It is again time for Hamlette's A Tolkien Blog Party of Special Magnificence! And I'm so proud of myself for actually participating this year because I reallllllly love Tolkien and have reallllllly wanted to participate in this blog party before, but never made the time!
Please come and join in the fun if you like, post answers to Hamlette's questionnaire on your own blog, leave a comment on her...
1940s films
classic hollywood
humphrey bogart
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The Sizzle in Key Largo
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Part of the Lauren Bacall Blogathan hosted by
In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood
My first movie with Humphrey Bogart was The African Queen and I distinctly remember disliking him. Of course, I was only about 13 at the time, and he seemed like a rough and tumble bully. Fortunately for me, I decided to rewatch The African Queen several years later and liked it...
1940s films
classic hollywood
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Clever Girl: Lauren Bacall in How to Marry a Millionaire
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Written for the Lauren Bacall Blogathan hosted by
In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood
My experience with Lauren Bacall films only began once I developed an interest in Humphrey Bogart. Once I made Bogie's acquaintance, and watched Key Largo (which I'll post about tomorrow), I loved Bacall at least as much as Bogart.
One thing I realized in watching this...
cornelia funke
inkdeath chapter by chapter read
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Inkdeath (Cornelia Funke) - Chapters 1 - 5
Monday, September 14, 2015
I finally got around to starting Inkdeath. Whew. There are always so many books that need reading, especially those that have been loaned to me, and I was beginning to fear that I wouldn't get to Inkdeath this month which would have greatly depressed me. But the time has come, as the Walrus said, and so let us begin. I've never written about individual chapters before so don't be surprised...
book reviews
christian fiction
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Book Review: Like There's No Tomorrow by Camille Eide (2014)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Like There's No TomorrowCamille EideAshberry Lane Publishers2014✯✯✯✯✯Official Backpage Synopsis What if loving means letting go?Scottish widower Ian MacLean is plagued by a mischievous grannie, bitter regrets, and an ache for something he’ll never have again. His only hope for freedom is to bring his grannie's sister home from America. But first, he'll have to convince her lovely companion,...
afternoon tea
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A Fall Themed Evening Tea with Maple and Pecan Scones
Thursday, September 3, 2015
There are just some days when you need to have an Afternoon Tea. We just turned ours into dinner, which we've done before, and this was just a time when we needed it. Enjoy! I'm sorry you couldn't join ...
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book reviews
christian fiction
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Remembering Tolkien
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
J. R. R. Tolkien
January 3rd, 1892 - September 2nd, 1973
relationship with Tolkien began with a hobbit, one Bilbo Baggins by
name. I was fourteen, browsing the shelves of my local library, and
plucked an Alan Lee illustrated copy of The Hobbit from its
space. My life is forever changed. Such a wide range of possibilities
opened up, an entire new world of wonders. This lead to a glorious...
Book Review: A Bride in the Bargain by Deeanne Gist (2009)
A Bride in the BargainDeeanne GistBethany House Publishers2009✯✯Official Backpage SynopsisIn 1860s Seattle, a man with a wife could secure himself 640 acres of timberland. But because of his wife's untimely death, Joe Denton finds himself about to lose half of his claim. Still in mourning, his best solution is to buy one of those Mercer girls arriving from the East. A woman he'll marry in name but...
fiction tag
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Top Ten Literary Characters You Didn't Click With
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
So I've actually altered the name a little to be just literary characters because I really wanted to just blog about it on Bookshelves and not on Musings. It's part of a Top Ten Tuesdays theme and I found it on You, Me, and a Cup of Tea!Gale Hawthorne in The Hunger GamesHe was entirely too reckless for me to fully like, he was partially responsible for the death of a character I loved, and I...
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