August Reflections

Monday, August 31, 2015

Hmm, let me see, what has happened this month? I meant to, but never really got started on a reading challenge that involved inspy awards books for this last round of awards. I honestly don't like having to read a book because it's required of me. I'd much rather read it because I want to read it and because inspiration struck. Some of the reads this month were that way, and that's how I like it....
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Book Review: When Mockingbirds Sing by Billy Coffey (2013)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

When Mockingbirds SingBilly CoffeyThomas Nelson Publishers2013✯✯✯✯Official Backpage SynopsisWhat marks the boundary between a miracle of God and the imagination of a child?Nine-year-old Leah’s invisible friend seems harmless enough until he aids her in upsetting the tranquility of her new town, a place where her parents desperately hoped she’d finally be able to make friends and fit in. Hidden...
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Movie Review: Bride and Prejudice (2004)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Oh my gosh, there are times when I absolutely LOVE Bollywood! It's bright and cheerful and so many gorgeous colors all in one fantastic kaleidoscope! I would like to make some grand statement that I'm watching every single adaptation ever made of Pride and Prejudice, but no, I just wanted to watch a Bollywood film and I hadn't seen Bride and Prejudice yet. Let's start with what I loved! Aishwarya...
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Classics Club Spin Choice!!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Classics Club chose #5 for the spin number, and for me that ends up being Lorna Doone!Now, about this story.I love the movie version from 2000 with Aiden Gillen and Richard Coyle. It's the epitome of an epic romance for me, beaten maybe only by Ivanhoe. Except that Lorna ends up with the guy she's destined to be with, unlike poor Rebecca and Ivanhoe.But it is possible, in fact likely,...
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Classics Club Spin

Sunday, August 23, 2015

This is an event from the Classics Club! I wasn't going to participate and then figured, why not. At least I would have 2 months in which to read whichever book gets chosen from my list and that is quite doable.The way this works, I list 20 books from my Classics Club reading list of unreads, and tomorrow the Club admins or whoever they are pick a number randomly and I read whatever book correlates...
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Living Behind the Veil with Hannibal

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Despite almost my better judgement, I've continued watching NBC's Hannibal. Now in its 3rd and final season, it's grown more trippy and disconnected as time progresses, which is undoubtedly part of what has lead to its inevitable downfall. The 1st season was inspired, awash with metaphor and allegorical conclusions. Each individual character was unique, and now they feel like cookie-cutter mock-ups...
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Deconstructing an ENTJ

Friday, August 21, 2015

One of the problems with personality typing is that we try and put people into boxes. But you can't say than an ISFJ will do "this" particular thing every single time because that's what ISFJs do. Why? Because an ISFJ's actions are based off tradition and past experiences. Any tradition. Any past experience. My past experiences are different from every other ISFJ's experiences out there. Our brain...
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Book Review: Prelude for a Lord (Gentlemen Quartet #1) by Camille Elliot

Monday, August 17, 2015

Prelude for a LordThe Gentlemen Quartet SeriesCamille ElliotZondervan Publishers2014✯✯✯✯✯Official Backpage SynopsisAn awkward young woman. A haunted young man. A forbidden instrument. Can the love of music bring them together . . . or will it tear them apart?Bath, England—1810At twenty-eight, Alethea Sutherton is past her prime for courtship; but social mores have never been her forté. She might be...
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Book Review: House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo (2008)

Friday, August 14, 2015

House of Dark ShadowsDreamhouse Kings SeriesRobert LiparuloThomas Nelson Publishers2008✯✯✯✯Official Backpage SynopsisDream house . . . or bad dream?When the Kings move from L.A. to a secluded small town, fifteen-year-old Xander is beyond disappointed. He and his friends loved to create amateur films . . . but the tiny town of Pinedale is the last place a movie buff and future filmmaker wants to...
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Book Review: Mind of Her Own by Diana Lesire Brandmeyer (2015)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Mind of Her OwnDiana Lesire BrandmeyerTyndale House Publishers2015✯✯✯✯✯Official Backpage SynopsisWho knew making dinner could change your life? Louisa Copeland certainly didn’t. But when the George Foreman grill falls out of the pantry onto her head, resulting in a bump and a mighty case of amnesia, Louisa’s life takes a turn for the unexpected. Who is this Collin fellow, claiming she is his wife?...
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Book Review: Not By Sight by Kate Breslin (2015)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Not by SightKate BreslinBethany House Publishers2015✯✯Official Backpage SynopsisWith Britain caught up in WWI, Jack Benningham, heir to the Earl of Stonebrooke, has declared himself a conscientious objector. Instead, he secretly works for the Crown by tracking down German spies on British soil, his wild reputation and society status serving as a foolproof cover.Blinded by patriotism and concern...
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Femnista Jul/Aug 2015 - The Middle Ages

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Within this issue of Femnista, you will find articles on Robin Hood, on the epic Kingdom of Heaven, on Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert from Ivanhoe, on Tristan and Isolde, even on The Princess Bride, and more!It's a delightful collection of musings and ponderings on anything from The Middle Ages, and I thoroughly enjoyed delving into the life choices of Brian de Bois-Guilbert, who happens to be one...
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