I attended a Michael Bublé concert in June this year, my fourth time hearing him live, and I've spent the last several months mulling over why this particular Evening with Michael Bublé fell so incredibly flat for me when it should have been amazing.
First, there was some drama over buying the tickets. I don't like drama, and I don't like it when other people cause drama in my life....
radio theater
sherlock holmes
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Radio Theater: Sir John Gielgud and Sir Ralph Richardson as Holmes and Watson (1955)
Saturday, August 10, 2019
I'm on the eternal hunt for the ideal Holmes and Watson pairing.
Oh, of course, many come close, like Jeremy Brett and David Burke in the celebrated BBC television series from the 1980s, or even Ian Richardson as Holmes, but alas, I can't recall his Watson, which is never a good sign.
Sir John Gielgud
But I believe I may have finally found the ideal paring in Gielgud and Richardson, both...
1950s films
angela lansbury
classic hollywood
raymond burr
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Angela Lansbury and Raymond Burr in Please Murder Me! (1956)
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Angela Lansbury has been synonymous with Disney and Jessica Fletcher for so long that it's hard to remember that she was an actress long before she ever jumped on the Disney bandwagon. It's even harder to realize that she played some pretty unpleasant characters. She was the "other" woman opposite Judy Garland and John Hodiak in Harvey Girls which I love and reviewed HERE. She was also absurdly...
classic hollywood
orson welles
radio theater
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Radio Theater: Orson Welles in Noël Coward's Private Lives (4/21/1939)
Friday, August 2, 2019
I honestly don't know how I lived before finding Orson's radio theater performances! I mean, seriously!
Private Lives is a crazy combination of hilarity and tragedy that appeals to my macabre sense of humor. Orson Welles plays Elyot and actress Gertrude Lawrence plays his ex-wife Amanda (Gertrude actually played opposite Noël in 1930 in this play on the stage!). Each of these individuals has...
1930s films
classic hollywood
precode cinema
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The Lovable Ruffian - James Cagney with Joan Blondell in Blonde Crazy (1931)
Thursday, August 1, 2019
"Now the world owes me a living, and I'm gonna collect it, see." - James Cagney in Blonde Crazy
Pre-code films are spectacularly vulgar and this one is a humdinger!
I think until now the earliest Cagney film I'd ever watched was probably A Midsummer Night's Dream from 1935, which is brilliant, by the way. But I'd never ventured into any of his earlier films simply because they're a pain to track...
when calls the heart
I find myself being very suspicious now, about Mark Humphrey's elimination from When Calls the Heart in the role of Pastor Frank Hogan. Now that my trust in Lori Loughlin (should any of us have trusted her to begin with?) is gone, I'm starting to feel that it was her idea to get rid of him.
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Pastor Frank Hogan: Why he took the "heart" from When Calls the Heart when he left
Sunday, July 28, 2019
I remember when she put out the call to "Save Pastor Frank," long after the decision had already been made to release him from the show. She would have known his contract wasn't being renewed, so why even bother asking the fans to fight for him? Except to give the impression that his going wasn't her idea and that she was upset that he wasn't staying.
We all know that Lori Loughlin wanted Abigail to be a strong, independent, single female. Just like almost every other woman in Hope Valley. I guess the logical thing then would be to get rid of one of the men who had "set his cap" for her, so to speak. I dislike thinking that she might have had even more devious intentions about removing the faith element from the show, but it's always possible that was her motivator too.
Keep in mind, I have no proof. This is just my theory, but right now, it sounds good to me.
I haven't watched When Calls the Heart this last season.
Some might dislike me for jumping ship at the end of season 5, but I just can't continue. Some of it is probably due to Daniel Lissing leaving. You can't have your romantic lead die off like that and expect all of the fans to stay faithful. So by the time the Lori Loughlin debacle hit the news, I was already long gone. While I felt for the fans of the show and was horrified at her behavior, I wasn't invested in When Call the Heart anymore.
Why, you might ask?'
Because when Pastor Frank left so too did my love of Hope Valley.
Yes, all right, I liked Abigail and Frank more than Abigail and Bill, but that was never my main reason for liking the character. Frank was so much more than just a love interest for Abigail. He was the spiritual leader of the town. Without a pastor, that building Jack put together is just a school, not a church with a school in it during the week.
I got tired. Tired of pretending that it was okay for there to be a church with no pastor and no Sunday service. Tired of pretending that I was okay with Pastor Frank leaving when his departure was so full of unanswered questions. Tired of feeling like the producers were avoiding giving us straight answers.
I read Janette Oke's books growing up and they left a lasting impression on me. But there is so little of her books and her faith left in When Calls the Heart that, in a way, I'm distraught that the show is still running. We were promised a replacement pastor when Frank left. Where is he? I may not be watching the show this season, but I've kept up with the news about it and I know that church stands empty on Sunday.
Why? Why do I have to pretend that it's perfectly fine for a Christian television show to have all vestiges of its faith stripped away until all you're left with is a "clean" production?
I will always miss Pastor Frank. I miss his wisdom. I miss his experience. And I miss his redemption arc that made him feel so real and genuine. Christians aren't perfect. That's never the message of Jesus. Who does he approach? The hurting, the broken, and those desperate for a new way of life. That was Pastor Frank, a man with a past who had a hope for the future because of his faith in God.
Could When Calls the Heart eventually incorporate a new pastor? Maybe. But I'm not holding my breath anymore. After almost 2 seasons without one, I just don't have enough faith anymore. I'd rather watch a secular program that at least is honest with me about its motivations then one that pretends to be Christian but whose faith is such a thin veneer I can pass my hand right through.
classic hollywood
orson welles
radio theater
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Radio Theater: Orson Welles as the Count of Monte Cristo (10/1/1939)
Thursday, July 25, 2019
No, you're not looking at a bizarre facsimile of Leonardo Dicaprio. Although I do find it strange that in their youth and based solely on appearance, Orson and Leo could have been brothers.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Orson Welles.
Most people probably know him for Citizen Kane and The Third Man, the latter of which his role lasts no more than 20 minutes and the former...
book reviews
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Mount TBR - On the Shoulders of Hobbits by Louis Markos
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Mount TBR 2019
Title: On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis
Author: Louis Markos
Genre: Fiction
Publication Year: 2012
I thank Louis Markos for re-awakening my imagination with On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis. I've had this book in my library for 5 years now, but have never read it until now. I hate that...
book reviews
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Mount TBR - Henry Tilney's Diary by Amanda Grange
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Mount TBR 2019
Title: Henry Tilney's Diary
Author: Amanda Grange
Genre: Fiction
Publication Year: 2011
If you read or watch Jane Austen, then you know Henry Tilney is the hero in Northanger Abbey. It's funny, but I was never really a fan of that story until I listened to THIS radio drama set from Audible. I absolutely adored their Henry Tilney, decided to re-read the book, and have been...
book reviews
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Mount TBR - From Barefoot to Bishop: A Rwandan Refugee's Journey
Monday, May 27, 2019
Mount TBR 2019
Title: From Barefoot to Bishop
Author: Rt. Rev. Dr. Laurent Mbanda
Genre: Memoir
Publication Year: 2017
I've never really been one to read a lot of nonfiction, but in addition to wanting to read more classics this year, I've also decided to work through my pile of nonfiction books that have been spent years on the lonely shelves of my bookcase.
Since I work for an NGO,...
book reviews
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KidLit Challenge - Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis
Sunday, March 31, 2019
KidLit Reading Challenge 2019
Title: Kat, Incorrigible
Author: Stephanie Burgis
Age Range: 8-12 years
Publication Year: 2011
Length: 295 pages
Official Summary
Katherine Ann Stephenson has just discovered that she's inherited her mother's magical talents, and despite Stepmama's stern objections, she's determined to learn how to use them.
But with her eldest sister Elissa's...
book reviews
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KidLit Challenge - Raymie Nightingale by Kate Dicamillo
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
KidLit Reading Challenge 2019
Title: Raymie Nightingale
Author: Kate DiCamillo
Age Range: 8-12 years
Publication Year: 2016
Length: 263 pages
Official Summary
Raymie Clarke has come to realize that everything, absolutely everything, depends on her. And she has a plan. If Raymie can win the Little Miss Central Florida Tire competition, then her father, who left town two days ago with...
book reviews
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KidLit Challenge - Tumble and Blue by Cassie Beasley
Saturday, January 19, 2019
KidLit Reading Challenge 2019
Title: Tumble and Blue
Author: Cassie Beasley
Age Range: 8-12 years
Publication Year: 2017
Length: 390 pages
Official Summary
Blue Montgomery is cursed to lose. At everything. And to make matters worse, his dad abandons him at his grandmother's house, which is full of madcap relatives with terrible fates - all fighting for the one chance to have...
life lessons
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hope is the thing with feathers
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
So begins a new year!
A part of me wants to throw confetti in welcome, but another part of me looks back on 2018 with a bit of sadness for everything that happened and can never be forgotten. Some of it's good, but some parts of it were overwhelming, hence the never to be forgotten bit.
My hope is that the growing I did in 2018 will benefit me in this new year. A new year is never going to...
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