The Sunflower Blogger Award (Part 2)

Monday, March 31, 2014

It seems that I've been nominated yet again for this award! Thanks very much to sweet Ruby for the nomination. I hope you head on over to her blog and read her answers to the questions posed by those who nominated her. The Rules: Share 11 facts about yourself.  Answer the questions set by your Nomination Blogger  Nominate 11 bloggers.  Set questions for the nominated bloggers.  (Yet...
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Is the ISFJ hard to understand?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Is the ISFJ hard to understand? Yes, Ned the Piemaker from Pushing Daisies is, in fact, an ISFJ. He makes it into my top five favorite fictional ISFJs that include Captain America, John Watson, and Kevin Ryan from Castle. If anyone is hard to understand, it's Ned! So, onto the question, is the ISFJ hard to understand? That entirely depends on how well you understand the ISFJ cognitive functions....
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Book Review: Death by the Book by Julianna Deering (2014)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Death by the Book by Julianna DeeringMy rating: 5 of 5 starsIt is 1932 and only a few months have passed since the events that turned Drew Farthering's peaceful existence on its head. All he wants now is to convince Madeline, the love of his life, to marry him. Unfortunately for Drew, life throws another wrench in his plans, both by dropping off Madeline's aged, incredibly stubborn aunt on his...
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LoVe - Veronica Mars: The Movie (2014)

Well, Veronica Mars fans, the movie is awesome. One of my friends and I hit the high road this afternoon after church, driving 50 minutes to reach a theater playing Veronica Mars. And do you know the main reason why we went? In the hopes that the movie would finally give us both the ending we wanted! This entire movie is LoVe themed (for the uninformed that's Logan/Veronica). She's had many boyfriends...
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ISFJs are evil? . . . I think not!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Elijah Mikaelson - one of the hottest vampires on television and an ISFJ to boot! People now write the darndest things into my search box. It's kinda funny! Like this latest one, ISFJs are evil. Umm, no, we're not. The ISFJ can be conflicted sometimes like Lord Grantham in Downton Abbey or even Ned Stark in Game of Thrones, but you couldn't call either of those characters "evil." One of my...
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Hamlette's Soliloquy: "Ivanhoe" (1982)

All right, darlings, please make sure to read Hamlette's review of Ivanhoe starring Anthony Andrews. It is the official final post for the Anthony Andrews Blog Hop in February, and she absolutely loved the film just like the majority of people who see it. Enjoy!

Hamlette's Soliloquy: "Ivanhoe" (1982): I was so excited when I won a copy of this on Musings of an Introvert !  I'd only seen the 1952 version before, and it rather... lacks...
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The Sunflower Blogger Award

I was actually nominated twice for this award, which is quite amazing and I'm truly honored! So, thanks goes to Anna at A Cowgirl and a Dream and Hamlette at The Edge of the Precipice and Hamlette's Soliloquy. I'm only going to answer the questions, not nominate anyone. :) The rules: Share 11 facts about yourself.  Answer the questions set by your Nomination Blogger  Nominate 11 bloggers.  Set...
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Book Review: Ripples Along the Shore by Mona Hodgson (2013)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ripples Along the Shore by Mona HodgsonMy rating: 3 of 5 starsCaroline is slowly resigning herself to being a widow after receiving news that her husband, Phillip, died during the war between the states. Her options are limited, and she must live with her sister and family until she gets her feet under her again. Which had better be sooner rather than later since Jack, her sister's husband, makes...
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Book Review: Bending Toward the Sun by Mona Hodgson (2013)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bending Toward the Sun by Mona HodgsonMy rating: 4 of 5 starsWhen Quaid McFarland returns safely from the war between the states, Emilie Heinrich's heart skips an unusual beat. He's grown from a boy into a man, not quite what she expected, and he in turn finds her to be a handsome lass quite different from the girl in pigtails that he once knew. Emilie's loyalty is torn between her feelings for the...
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