Batman Weeps for Colorado

Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm sure everyone has heard by this point but here's the lowdown in case you haven't. At approximately 12:30am today a gunman opened fire on a theater in Aurora, Colorado filled with The Dark Knight Rises fans, killing over a dozen and injuring over 50. The final toll for victims is 71. This tragedy seems fitting somehow with the pain and suffering Colorado has experienced over...
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Singin' in the Rain - In Theaters for 1 Night Only!

Monday, July 9, 2012

  Don't you just love Fathom Events?! This is how I was able to experience The Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions in theaters and a special film about Elvis in concert before his death. They're special opportunities and may never happen again. And this time it's the 60th birthday of Singin' in the Rain! You know the one with Gene Kelly in his iconic dance on wet streets with an umbrella that...
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Red Victorian Rose Arts And Costuming: Honest to goodness craft post!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The latest post from my sister Caitlin @ Red Victorian Rose Arts And Costuming Aren't my mice awesome? These are mice made from a Jill Barklem's Brambly Hedge pattern book. I love her work and if you have never heard of them, seriously, go look them up. They have the most awesome illustrations and story lines, perfect for children and adult alike. Anyway, these were my first four, given...
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A Nudge from C.S. Lewis

Sometimes it's hard to read complete books by C.S. Lewis. The man was such a master of the English language and his thoughts were so precise and so incredibly acurate to reality that it almost hurts trying to make sense of everything he said. Which is why I'm happy to have found a book called The Joyful Christian so I can read individual blurbs taken from his various books in the hopes that what...
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