How is it possible for me to go merrily along in life one moment and be broiling towards a fellow Christian the next? Who is this unfortunate soul, you ask? No one I know personally, lucky for him and me. He's a narrow-minded individual even though he's saved by the same blood that covers me and all his fellow believers. Most of the time I love being a Christian, following Christ, learning His...
Friends & The Godfather
Monday, February 27, 2012
I've been lolling around the house today, a complete sloth of utter contentment. Such a lovely experience and one I revel in because it doesn't happen very often. It's the end of my finals week which included a philosophy paper on theories of truth and an essay on Cranford which I enjoyed soooooo much. I could actually care less about my grades, or maybe it's just that I'm worn out and the nervous...
The Spirit of Fear
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Fear is a funny thing. It can paralyze you to the point where you're most afraid, not of a physical object, but of the idea of sinning against God. It's the spiritual side of fear that has you locked down, not an actual activity you've engaged in. Weird topic, I know, but this concept of fear arose in one of my classes, the last week of school as it happens. I have a fellow classmate who, at this...
life lessons
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A Day of Romance (not what you think)
Monday, February 13, 2012
Everyone who knows me intimately knows that I'm not much moved by Valentine's Day. That's not to say I'm not romantic but when you don't yet have a sweetie of your own, it's not that impressive of a holiday. That said though, sometimes Valentine's Day has its good points. Such as last Saturday. The library district I work for has been trying hard to plan different and exciting events....
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