"Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings, but mercy is above the sceptered sway. It is enthroned in the heart of kings and earthly power doth then show likest God's, when mercy seasons justice." ~ William ShakespeareWhat defines the measure of a man? It is usually his actions over some long period of time that define him. Where Thomas Becket, confidant to Henry II, was concerned, he was nearly...
classic hollywood
classic movies
peter o'toole
richard burton
The Salvation of Thomas Becket: Thoughts on the film Becket (1964)
Monday, February 15, 2010
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brad little
craig schulman
live performances
mark jacoby
phantom of the opera
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audrey hepburn
how to steal a million
peter o'toole
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Attending a concert with The Three Phantoms
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Nothing makes me feel more romantic than listening to the beautiful voices of three former Phantoms resounding throughout the Pikes Peak Center. *sigh* Tonight was the night. Mark Jacoby, Craig Schulman, and Brad Little were hired to perform for hundreds of Phantom enthused fans. And perform they did! It wasn't just Phantom either. They performed numbers from "Kiss Me, Kate," "Les Miserables," "The...
Olympics 2010 Opening Ceremony and Voltaire
Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole in How to Steal a Million Why am I awake at this ungodly hour (if an hour could be ungodly)? Because I just finished reading the silliest bit of fluff ever written. And by Voltaire, no less. Unless you want your head to spin round and round like a top, never pick up a copy of Voltaire's Candide. It's not worth your time and effort. I have a happier view of life...
classic hollywood
classic movies
lawrence of arabia
omar sharif
peter o'toole
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Thoughts on Lawrence of Arabia
Friday, February 12, 2010
As Lawrence sets out across the desert with Daoud and Faraj. Auda abu Tayi: You will cross Sinai?T.E. Lawrence: Moses did!Auda abu Tayi: And you will take the children?T.E. Lawrence: Moses did!
What do you do when you come to the end of your rope? You either allow yourself to fall or you start pulling yourself up one painful handhold at a time. In the world of T.E. Lawrence, he reached...
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