Showing posts with label movie review: star trek into darkness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie review: star trek into darkness. Show all posts

Star Trek Into Darkness (a 2nd viewing)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto in Star Trek into Darkness (2013)
Sometimes it helps to go with a friend to these things! I'm a bit stingy sometimes when original concepts are rehashed into a new franchise. Not always, mind you, but I'm the type of girl who loves the original series Wild, Wild West and loathe, hate, despise the movie reboot from several years ago. It was a travesty!! I feel the same about the original series of 21 Jumpstreet, and that idiotic, pointless new movie with Channing Tatum. He's not winning any brownie points with me by being in a mock-worthy film about one of my favorite shows!

So, it's hard sometimes for me to adapt to new franchises based on someone else's series. Still, I went back for a 2nd viewing of Star Trek Into Darkness, this time with my BFF. We met halfway between her home and mine, settled down into the theater, and proceeded to drool for 2 hours over Benedict Cumberbatch. I felt more this time around. More compassion, more empathy, more grief for the lives lost, including a character I've loved since the 1st movie, and I connected a little better with Spock and Kirk. The toe-tapping impatience I experienced the first time I watched the climactic scene with Spock and Kirk wasn't there this time. Instead, I actually teared up a little watching them, and that's a huge step in the right direction for me.

During lunch, she and I discovered that we both are attracted to power. We're not talking flabby politicians, but the undeniable power exuded by Khan over everyone else. He doesn't pause or hesitate, but goes directly for the jugular, manipulating people until they stand exactly where he wants them. A man who is masculine and intimidating is sexy. It's attractive and desirable, and makes me like Benedict even more than I did before because he made the role his. Enough with these namby-pamby Justin Biebers of the world who could almost be a girl! I want a masculine man who is not so in touch with his feminine side! When did that become the thing? I'd much rather have a man like Khan, minus the psycho nature possibly, than a guy who cries over chick-flicks any day.

So, my 2nd viewing was something of a success. Charity found the plot hole and unraveled the entire thing in a matter of seconds, but that only made me laugh because it proves that J. J. Abrams is not quite the mastermind everyone makes him out to be. What is that plot hole? Well, if you have seen the movie, comment and I'll share it with you. If not, then go see the movie and then read my comments. ;-)
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Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness

Movie or franchise remakes can be fun. There are some, like the 1940 film The Shop Around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart, that have been remade multiple times. And then there's the new Star Trek franchise. Not so much a remake as a rewriting of the Trek history that Gene Roddenberry so cleverly invented.

And I'm good with it. The originality of Abrams' first Star Trek movie was epic because it literally went where no one had ever gone before. The fans were given a story that hadn't been rehashed, sprinkled throughout with the characters that most Trekkies have loved far longer than I have been alive. Which is why I had such high hopes for Star Trek Into Darkness. You're sensing a "but" following that statement, and there is one, although not quite as serious of a "but" as you're picturing.

So, if you want to read about that "but," and don't mind spoilers if you haven't seen the movie, then continue reading.

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