Children's Classic Literature Party Wrap-Up Post

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Classic Children's Literature Party! You can read all the associated posts and book reviews in the Mister Linky here!

My plan is to read over the remaining book reviews and thoughts next week and comment on them, but I'm thrilled that we had a chance to read some old favorites and try some new books. I hope you enjoyed the time spent.

I'll ponder formatting for next year's event, which will also be held in April. I'm thinking maybe extending to all children's literature instead of just classic children's literature. Any thoughts or preference on keeping it classic children's literature or extending it to all children's literature? And as I've had a chance to think about it, movie adaptations of children's literature do play an integral role in childhood. I mean, the reason I decided to read The Hobbit was because I had seen the animated film first. The same with The Princess and the Goblin, although the book for that is waaaaaaaay better. 

Ivy Miranda, I think I'll integrate your idea next year, and we can enjoy some in-depth discussions on what our favorite film adaptations are of children's literature and why!

Anyway, that's a wrap for this year! Blessings to everyone and thanks again for participating!

1 comment

  1. This was such a fun Blog Party, Carissa! Thanks so much for having the ideas and hosting. Looking forward to next year!
    I'd be happy with either way if you decide to keep it just for Classics or include all children's books. I think adding in movie adaptations will be SO fun, and yes they DO play an key role in childhood!


Thank you for your kind comments, which I adore!