The stockings and gifts are opened, Christmas brunch has been eaten, the cats are in a catnip coma, and the prime rib is coming to room temperature.
Now I can sit at my computer for a few minutes, listening to Andy Williams' Christmas album, and just reflect. As I've already mentioned, it's been a tough year. A year of weariness and emotional upheaval and uncertainty. Have you ever experienced...
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Four Things Tag
Sunday, December 24, 2017
I randomly found this tag on Thrifty Bibliophile, and thought it sounded like fun. I don't mind doing tags every once in awhile, especially if they don't require me to spend a whole lot of time on them. Why am I doing it Christmas Eve? Because we're pretty much all set for Christmas, which is awesome!
Four Jobs I've Had
Library Shelving Page
Library Circulation Assistant
Data Entry...
my life
my Scandinavian heritage
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period dramas
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I'm back and Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 23, 2017
My precious Bucky Boy enjoying his Christmas tree this year.
I look back over 2017 and a part of me thinks, “Wow, this
year sucked.” There was a system transition at work that has yet to be
completed even though we began in January 2017. Talk about wearing on the mind
and soul. I began battling a mild form
of depression and started taking meds to combat it. This year has truly been a
Movie Review: The Greatest Showman (2017)
After spending 2 glorious hours in the theater today
watching The Greatest Showman, one
thing struck home. Nobody should care whether the movie is a true
representation of P.T. Barnum’s real life. That’s not what The Greatest Showman is all about; rather, the movie is the
embodiment of believing in impossible dreams and of loving yourself despite what the world says.
My sister cosplays and...
book reviews
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Book Review: Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions by Amy Stewart (Kopp Sisters #3, 2017)
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Original SummaryDeputy sheriff Constance Kopp is outraged to see young women brought into the Hackensack jail over dubious charges of waywardness, incorrigibility, and moral depravity. The strong-willed, patriotic Edna Heustis, who left home to work in a munitions factory, certainly doesn’t belong behind bars. And sixteen-year-old runaway Minnie Davis, with few prospects and fewer friends, shouldn’t...
book reviews
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Mini Book Review: A Thing of Beauty by Lisa Samson (2015)
Friday, September 22, 2017
Former child star Fiona Hume deserted the movie biz a decade ago--right after she left rehab. She landed in Baltimore, bought a dilapidated old mansion downtown, and hatched dreams of restoring it into a masterpiece, complete with a studio for herself. She would disappear from public view and live an artist’s life.That was the plan.My ThoughtsThis is one of those books that I gulped down so fast that...
book reviews
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Book Review: Fairer Than Morning by Rosslyn Elliott (Saddler's Legacy #1)
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Fairer than MorningAuthor: Rosslyn ElliottSeries: Saddler's LegacyGenre: Christian HistoricYear: 2011My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ GoodreadsOfficial Synopsis On a small farm in 19th-century Ohio, young Ann Miller is pursued by the gallant Eli Bowen, son of a prominent family. Eli is the suitor of Ann's dreams. Like her, he enjoys poetry and beautiful things and soon, he will move...
book reviews
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Book Review: A Great Catch by Lorna Seilstad (2011, Lake Manawa Summers #2)
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
A Great CatchAuthor: Lorna SeilstadSeries: Lake Manawa SummersGenre: Christian HistoricYear: 2011My Rating: ★ ★ ★GoodreadsOfficial Synopsis When twenty-two-year-old Emily Graham’s meddlesome aunts and grandmother take it upon themselves to find her a husband among the Lake Manawa resort guests, the spunky, slightly clumsy suffragette is determined to politely decline each...
book reviews
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Book Review: Making Waves by Lorna Seilstad (2010, Lake Manawa Summers #1)
Monday, August 21, 2017
Making WavesAuthor: Lorna SeilstadSeries: Lake Manawa SummersGenre: Christian HistoricYear: 2010My Rating: ★ ★ ★GoodreadsOfficial Synopsis When spunky Marguerite Westing discovers that her family will summer at Lake Manawa in 1895, she couldn't be more thrilled. It is the perfect way to escape her agonizingly boring suitor, Roger Gordon. It's also where she stumbles upon two...
book reviews
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Book Review: A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White (2017)
Saturday, August 19, 2017
A Name UnknownAuthor: Roseanna M. WhiteSeries: Shadows Over EnglandGenre: Christian HistoricYear: 2017My Rating: ★ ★ ★GoodreadsOfficial Synopsis Rosemary Gresham has no family beyond the band of former urchins that helped her survive as a girl in the mean streets of London. Grown now, they concentrate on stealing high-value items and have learned how to blend into upper-class...
1950s films
classic hollywood
humphrey bogart
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Award Winners for a REASON: The African Queen (1951)
Friday, June 23, 2017
The African Queen (1951)
starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn
I'm back! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. Taking a break from certain things proved to be necessary for my emotional survival this last year. We're had a lot of upheaval at work and just overall stress and the last thing I needed was the additional weight of trying to write movie...
book reviews
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Book Review: A Portrait of Emily Price by Katherine Reay (2016)
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Some books got it and some books ain't got it. A Portrait of Emily Price by Katherine Reay is the latter.It felt like I started reading one novel and ended up finishing a completely different one. There was no cohesive whole, just bits and pieces that never matched up together. I was expecting a story of an art restorer and ended up in a whirlwind romance where the heroine (and you wouldn't believe...
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Mini Movie - The Perfect Bride (2017)
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Am I a romantic? Sometimes I wonder. I guess there are levels of romanticism in everyone, more in me that in some and less than what some of my friends possess.But even I have to admit that Hallmark's The Perfect Bride is absolutely, well, perfect.Especially if you happen to have a mild crush on Kavan Smith and think that Pascale Hutton is just about the cutest thing ever captured on film. Which...
book reviews
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CCLE - From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsburg (1967)
Sunday, April 30, 2017
And so ends my classic children's books for the month of April. And by far, my top favorite read for this month is From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. This is another one of those books that was my sister's childhood favorite, but that I had never read, although I have seen both film versions, one starring Ingrid Bergman from 1973 and the other with Lauren Bacall from 1995.But the...
book reviews
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CCLE - The Borrowers by Mary Norton (1952)
Saturday, April 29, 2017
The Borrowers by Mary Norton is my 3rd book for the Classic Children's Literature Event.This one is actually a re-read; my childhood was peppered with a love of the Borrowers and then another group of tiny people called The Littles. But the Borrowers don't have tails like the Littles, so they are slightly different.The Borrowers are Pod and Homily Clock and their daughter Arrietty and they happen...
book reviews
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CCLE - Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle by Betty MacDonald (1947)
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. She had diverse tastes (still does), and so her books were a little bit of everything, including the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series. I was pretty much a Hardy Boys kinda girl, so our tastes almost never crossed, but now that we're both adults, I'm actually trying some of her favorite books when she was a kid. Hence my rather odd choice of Mrs....
book reviews
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CCLE - Mary Poppins Comes Back by P.L. Travers (1935)
Sunday, April 16, 2017
It's that time again! Time for the Classic Children's Literature Event hosted by Amanda at Simpler Pastimes!My first read of the event is Mary Poppins Comes Back by P. L. Travers, originally published in 1935. I never imagined myself attempting to reconnect with this character since I didn't much care for the first book in the series, not because of the author's writing style, but simply...
kong skull island
movie reviews
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Taking a Break with Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Saturday, April 8, 2017
In a fit of the good old adventuresome spirit, I talked my sister into watching Kong: Skull Island with me today. Thank goodness it was still at the theater! I'd been trying to go for a viewing since it hit theaters last month, but life got seriously in the way.Oh well, it turns out that today was a good day for a trip to the theater. And Kong: Skull Island was a PERFECT movie for my Jurassic...
classic children's literature event 2017
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book reviews
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Classic Children's Literature Event & Other Musings
Friday, March 24, 2017
Wow. It's been a long time since I've been active on this blog. Reasons? I'm afraid I got bored. Bored with the layouts, bored with reviewing books, just bored of the online blogging life in general, though not bored with my blogging friends, I promise.A weird side effect of going to a writer's workshop is that I suddenly lost all desire to write. No doubt my lack of inspiration was born out of fear...
Book Review: Murder on the Moor by Julianna Deering (Drew Farthering #5)
Published 2017, rated 5 starsJulianna Deering is my new hero. She's a queen among women; wielding her pen with the efficiency of Aragorn and his sword Anduril.Where do I even start with my praises of Murder on the Moor?!Okay, first of all, great character development in this 5th book in her Drew Farthering series. Drew and Madeline have been married for almost 2 years now, still happy...
book reviews
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Book Review: For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (An Uncertain Choice #3)
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
I didn't think it possible. But I actually enjoyed For Love and Honor. Considering how much I detested, and yes I know it's a strong word but very true, the first two books in the series, I wasn't holding out much hope.Lady Sabine is wealthy, considers herself plain, practical, and hides a skin blemish that could very easily get her accused of witchcraft. Sir Bennet is the younger son of a family...
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