Robert Downey Jr. - The Futurist

Friday, June 17, 2016

The world can be so unkind to dreamers. Five years ago I was about as anti Robert Downey Jr. as you could get. Iron Man? Get outta town! Sherlock Holmes? Over my dead body! Now, knowing what I do of his life, of his struggle with drug abuse, of his remarkable comeback, he's starting to speak to my soul. This is a man whose father started giving him illegal drugs when he was EIGHT YEARS OLD....
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Liebster Award Answers

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Just to clarify, I was not nominated for the award, but I liked Sarah's questions from the blog How to Watch a Movie so much that I wanted to answer them and she most kindly gave me permission. 1. Favorite movie genre, and why? Right now, my favorite movie genre is magical realism. Like Harry Potter or Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell or Inkheart. Stories with one foot in reality and the other...
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Book Review: Fearless by Cornelia Funke

Fearless by Cornelia FunkeMirrorworld #22013My Rating ✯✯✯✯✯When Jacob Reckless first found his way through the mirror in his father's study to a different world, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. Becoming a renowned treasure hunter and literally growing up behind the mirror, no longer the little boy who first found his way but a confidant young man. But after the events of...
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Frank Langella and Me

Friday, June 3, 2016

Written for my Frank Langella Celebration! ❤  First of all, many thanks to those of your who participated in this Frank Langella Celebration. I appreciate you very much, and it's been fun going back in time and re-examining his films in order to share them with others. I wish I could have written for Sphinx, but what with unexpected overtime and my sister's grad party this Saturday, life's...
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Langella as the BEST ZORRO EVER

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Written for my Frank Langella Celebration! ❤ Okay, so maybe I am a tad biased. Who wouldn't be? It's funny how every time I watch the 1974 made-for-television version of The Mark of Zorro that I always wish it was longer. As it is, the film is only about 75 minutes long, which isn't nearly long enough in this reviewer's humble opinion. Think back to every version of Zorro you've ever seen. What...
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Frank Langella as the Great Sherlock Holmes on the Stage in 1981

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Written for my Frank Langella Celebration! ❤ There are three types of Sherlockians in the world. If you don’t know what the word even means, then you’re clearly not one of them. Love you anyway! You either a) are a Sherlock Holmes purist and only read the novels because no film adaptation has ever done the stories justice, b) don’t mind some changes to the concept so long as the general design...
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Frank Langella and Mel Brooks unite in The Twelve Chairs (1970)

Written for my Frank Langella Celebration! ❤ I love dark comedies. Not all of them, mind, but enough of them to consider myself a fan. And fortunately for this celebration, Frank Langella just happens to star in one of my absolute favorites, The Twelve Chairs, by Mel Brooks from 1970. Frank Langella was essentially a nobody before 1970. His first major role was in Diary of a Mad Housewife, ...
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