Period Film Challenge - Beyond the Mask (2015)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Written for the Period Drama Challenge hosted by Laurie over at Old-Fashioned Charm. ❤ Beyond the Mask (2015, PG, 105 minutes) written by Paul McCusker and starring John Rhys Davies Let's be perfectly honest. Christians movies get a bum rap. Sometimes it's a well-deserved razzing. Just because you have an idea for a Christian movie doesn't mean you're qualified to make it. Badly done...
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Have you heard about Risen (2016) starring Joseph Fiennes?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Contrary to the poster itself, Risen releases in theaters, probably limited release, on February 18th, 2016. Okay, so backstory. I was in the theater last year with my Hearties group (When Calls the Heart fans) waiting for Captive to start. Btw, that's a movie you definitely need to see if you haven't already, but I'll post a full review for it at some point. Back on point, while waiting...
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Audiobook Review: Lizzy & Jane by Katherine Reay (2014)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lizzy & Janeby Katherine Reay2014, read by Hillary Huber✯✯✯✯✯ (for the novel)✯✯ (for the audiobook)❤ Synopsis ❤Two sisters, one nearly 10 years older than the other. In a fit of rebellion, Jane left home, leaving a void in her younger sister, Lizzy's life, a void that only widens when her mother dies of cancer. As soon as Elizabeth is of legal age, she's gone too, following her dreams to be a...
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The Blogging About Blogs Tag

Saturday, January 23, 2016

So, my dear friend Hamlette from Hamlette's Soliloquy started this fun little tag about blogs. And I love the idea, a way to praise and encourage your fellow bloggers, plus I made it to her list, for which I'm extremely touched. Then, a newer blog I'm following, Heidi over at Along the Brandywine, tagged me, so that's 2 reasons for me to fill this out! Thanks to both of you! The Rules Thank...
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Period Drama Challenge - Oliver Twist (1997)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Written for the Period Drama Challenge hosted by Laurie over at Old-Fashioned Charm. ❤  Oliver Twist . . . The Disney Version starring Richard Dreyfuss and Elijah Wood 1997, PG, 90 minutes When I was a wee nipper my exposure to "period films" was limited to big production company releases that had been solidly Americanized and, how do you call it . . . abridged. But that's okay...
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Goodreads Tag!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

I snatched this from Lois over at You, Me, and a Cup of Tea who I haven't been following for all that long, but do enjoy reading her posts.Plus, it gives me an excuse to squeeee over the new banner my sister put together for this blog! She's awesome with graphics and I LOVE it!Anyway, on to the tag itself, and I am an active Goodreads member so these are all up-to-date as of yesterday.What is the...
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Agent Carter 2-Hour Season Premier (2016)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Agent Peggy Carter is back in the 2nd super awesome season of her show! ❤  Any self-respecting Marvel superhero fan absolutely must know who Peggy Carter is . . . Captain America's girl from the 1940s who is now a top notch secret agent and will eventually be a member of Shield (errr, before it went bad that is). The 1st season of a mere 8 episodes was such a rousing success with Marvel...
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Period Drama Challenge Film Choices!

I'm participating in a Period Drama Challenge hosted by Laurie over at Old-Fashioned Charm. ❤ This is a really good thing for me since I haven't been watching a lot of period dramas lately and I really do want to get back into the habit. I miss period dramas! They consumed so much of my interest for so long and somewhere along the way, with life and work and school, I just ran out of time...
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Lovin' Those Musicals! - The Music Man (2003)

Monday, January 18, 2016

I honestly thought that nothing could ever make me like The Music Man. I'm sure you know the musical I mean. Fast-talking conman rolls into small town, gets townsfolk to give up money they don't have for a Boys Band that he can't form because he doesn't even know how to read music, all while he attempts to romance the town's staid and tight-laced librarian. I did try about 12 years ago, I really...
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Book Review: On This Foundation (Restoration Chronicles #3) by Lynn Austin

On This Foundation (The Restoration Chronicles #3)by Lynn Austin2015✯✯✯✯❤ Synopsis ❤It is twenty some years since the 13th of Adar occurred and Esther saved her people and the Jews fought back against their attackers. Nehemiah's parents were murdered in that attack, and he now serves as the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, meaning that he is a most trusted servant who tastes anything and everything...
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Book Review: Grave Consequences by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Thursday, January 14, 2016

 Grave Consequences (Grand Tour Series #2)by Lisa Tawn Bergren2013✯✯ ❤ Synopsis ❤Grave Consequences is the 2nd book in the Grand Tour series that began with Glamorous Illusions. Cora, Will, Pierre, and all of Cora's siblings and their friends continue on their journey across the continent, now moving into France, Rome, Germany, and Italy. Cora's tender emotions continue to be torn in two, conflicted...
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Audiobook Review: Love Comes Calling by Siri Mitchell (2014)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

 Love Comes Calling by Siri Mitchell2014, read by Morgan Hallett❤ My job gives me between 7 and 8 hours a day on the computer so I need SOMETHING to distract my brain, and audiobooks are perfect for that. Yes, I'm one of those people who can perform data entry while listening to an audiobook or a radio drama. The Lord has blessed me so much, and I'm incredibly grateful!Anyway, I thought...
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A Magical Cinderella Story - Glamorous Illusions by Lisa Tawn Bergren (2012)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Glamorous Illusions (Grand Tour Series #1) by Lisa Tawn Bergren2012✯✯✯✯ Written for Cinderella Week hosted by Heidi at Along the Brandywine. ❤I grew up reading Lisa Tawn Bergren's work, lots of her contemporary romances passed through my hands when I was a teenager, but I honestly haven't picked up one of her books in years. This one I just happened to stumble over this last week, one I'd planned...
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Faerie Tale Theatre's Cinderella (1985)

  Written for Cinderella Week hosted by Heidi at Along the Brandywine. ❤ As a homeschooler with parents who weren't wholeheartedly involved in the Disney boycott thing in the 90s, I was solidly exposed to fantasy and fairy tales as a child. So of course I watched Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. Oh my, I look back on that series with so much fondness and love, but, out of all the...
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