Have you ever noticed how the hustle and bustle of the world in which we live sometimes interferes with the spiritual side of our life? The car needs an oil change, the kids have three different activities a week, dinner needs making, laundry needs washing; we go, go, go all the time. And the one thing that gets forgotten is our time with God.
I'm just as guilty of it as the next Christian, probably...
life lessons
my faith
once upon a time in wonderland
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Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (1.1)
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (1.1): Down the Rabbit Hole
I'm in love, head over heels gone about this show! Maybe it's the Knave's snarky sense of humor. Or it could be that my little romantic heart goes pitter-pat at the adorableness of Alice and Cyrus. Or maybe it's their bringing in Jafar from Arabian Nights complete with snake staff. Or it could just be that I love...
carrie turansky
historic romance
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Book Reviews: The Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky
Sunday, October 6, 2013
The Governess of Highland Hallby Carrie TuranskyRated (3 out of 5 stars) Podcast interview with the authorWhen ill health forces the Foster family to return to England from their twelve-year mission trip to India, daughter Julia must do everything within her power to offer her parents monetary support. Since she is trained as a teacher, the logical choice is to become a governess, and...
sleepy hollow tv series
tom mison
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The newest incarnation of Sleepy Hollow
Friday, October 4, 2013
Hmm, okay, how do I say this? I'm conflicted. It feels like I've been here before. Not here here, like a modern interpretation of Sleepy Hollow here, but there are definite elements that Tim Burton already used that this new show is utilizing. And that, my friends, isn't setting all that well with me.
Still, you want to know the best thing so far?...
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