When I graduate this December . . .

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

. . . that pair of socks I started knitting last year will get finished. Those two library books I misplaced somewhere in the house in March will be found. My story about Francie and Trey will finally get edited. The hoards of books in my library stash will get read. The furniture in my room will be dusted and shined. The carpet will get a thoroughly deep cleaning. I will finally qualify for those jobs requiring a BA degree. And, most importantly, I will enjoy Christmas like I haven't done in years. If only my baby sister were finished with her degree, but not just yet.

Don't mistake me. I wouldn't trade my education for anything in the world. Some classes haven't added an iota of importance to my life while others have solidified my Christian worldview like nothing else could. I have read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein three times for different classes, loathed every moment of a children's literature class, and suffered through four math classes. I have developed an abiding love of literature from the Victorians and the British Romantics, and I shockingly love learning about the history of the Christian church. But I am now at the end of the road for my Bachelor's Degree. The lightness in my chest is pure heaven.

What will I be like? All I've known for the last 5 years is the girl driven to finish her degree. It seemed an endless tunnel of studying and grades and then, suddenly, that tunnel had an end. Who will I be when I no longer have professors to impress? Will my drive bleed over into my writing? Or will it find a new outlet in a new job? I can't even picture myself without another assignment deadline needing to be met. But I can hardly wait to meet this new Carissa who is waiting just around the corner of my life.


  1. I look forward to you being liberated from endless essays as well, but probably for purely selfish reasons. ;)

    1. Believe me, I look forward to liberation from essays too. Except personal ones, those are neat to write.

  2. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! What an exciting new turn in the road. =)

    1. Thanks, Lizzie! There's something to be said for your lifestyle, though, not attending college. The best part of my academic years was attending a Christian university. I love how they make me think and use discernment. But I'll be just as happy when I'm totally finished! :D

  3. I still have four quarters to go, but already I can relate to your sense of relief. :) Hope you have a smooth and successful transition to post-graduation life!

    1. I think I only realized this semester that I was so close to being done. It's like I had 2 years to go and than was in my final semester. Weird!

      So, for you, does 4 quarters mean a year? Or would that be two years? I guess I'm on the quarter system, but I suspect possibly not. I have 8 weeks of 2 classes and than another 8 weeks with 2 different classes. Not the norm from what I understand, but I love it.

    2. A quarter for me is ten weeks; four quarters from now will be the end of next summer. It goes pretty fast, actually!

  4. Yay! CONGRATS on reaching the end of your education, Carissa. Happy for you - and glad it comes just in time for Christmas! :)

  5. Congrats on your last semester as a college student.

    1. Thank you very much! And how neat that we share the same name! :)


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