
This is a mostly complete list of the blogathons that I have participated in throughout the years. I will attempt to add more to the list as I go back through my blog posts and locate ones that I've missed. Have fun reading and check back for other blogathons as they are added to the page.

Click the photos to find my blog posts! ❤

Blogathons That I Participated In (Newest to Oldest)

Fourth Doris Day Blogathon

Greer Garson Blogathon

Bette Davis Blogathon

1940s Week
I wrote 2 posts for this blogathon, so clicking on the photo opens my search page for that tag.

Period Drama Challenge
I wrote 9 posts for this blogathon, so clicking on the photo opens my search page for that tag.

Cinderella Week Blogathon

Lauren Bacall Blogathon
I wrote 2 posts for this blogathon, so clicking on the photo opens my search page for that tag.

Star Studded Couples Classic Hollywood Blogathon

I wrote 2 posts for this blogathon, so clicking on the photo opens my search page for that tag.

Sherlock Holmes Murder Rooms Blog Party


  1. Would you be interested in joining my blogathon? I'm looking for reviews with any stars from TVs #Dallas read on for open for TV reviews too!

    1. Thanks for inviting me, but I'm not familiar with any of the actors so I'll have to pass. Have fun though!

  2. Just browsing your blog. Wanted you to know you are in for The Lodger on my Film Noir Blogathon.

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know and approving the movie. :)


Thank you for your kind comments, which I adore!