Ok, so I love Hugh Dancy. Anyone who's been around long enough and is a professed anglophile knows him as Daniel Deronda and I adored him as the prince in Ella Enchanted with Anne Hathaway. Yes, I've also seen him as Will Graham in the tv series Hannibal that, for me, just didn't work. I'd rather take the movie Red Dragon any day of the week than that series and not even Dancy could save...
black cauldron
classic children's literature party 2023
house of prydain book series
lloyd alexander
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CCLP Reads: The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander (1965)
Monday, April 17, 2023
To my surprise, I enjoyed The Black Cauldron more than The Book of Three. Some of my issues with the first installment weren't really a problem in the second. Eilonwy seems to be mellowing, but I suppose that only makes sense since it's been about a year between books one and two. Taran is as noble as ever. There's event a sense of Taran coming into his own, overcoming the stigma that comes along...
book of three
book reviews
classic children's literature party 2023
house of prydain book series
lloyd alexander
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CCLP Reads: The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander (1964)
Friday, April 14, 2023
My only prior experience with Lloyd Alexander is the rather terrifying 1985 Disney film The Black Cauldron. I've watched it multiple times and still don't really like it. I was hoping that I might feel different about the book series, The House of Prydain, that the movie was based on.Taran is an assistant pig-keeper for a pig named Hen Wen who can somehow tell the future, so she's called an oracular...
book reviews
classic children's literature party 2023
mary norton
the borrowers
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CCLP Read: The Borrowers by Mary Norton (1952)
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Yay, The Borrowers is my first read for the Classic Children's Literature Party that I'm hosting!If you've never read this delightful book then I highly encourage it! I just bought the boxed set of the first four novels last year and did read them last year, and I can honestly they are some of my favorites, with the first book, The Borrowers, being an absolute classic. I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading...
2023 reading goals
classic children's literature party 2023
reading lists
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Children's Literature Party Reading Ideas!
Monday, April 3, 2023
This post is written for the Classic Children's Literature Party for 2023!Ok, so if you're anything like me, then there's a good chance when you try to think of classic children's authors, you draw a bit of a blank. Actually, anything that's more than 50 years old is pretty much considered to be a classic, and that widens your reading options considerably! If you also have a list of suggestions, I...
classic children's literature party 2023
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Welcome to the Classic Children's Literature Party for 2023!
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Welcome to the Classic Children's Literature Party of 2023!If it goes well, I may host it every year.My personal experiences with children's literature when I was an actual child pretty much stayed in its own little wheelhouse of Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and Trixie Belden. And I read a lot of wonderful Christian children's series that I would check out from my church library. I honestly don't recall...
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