I know I've said it before, but I'm going to go over the cognitive functions of an ISFJ yet again.
The ISFJ is comprised of 4 cognitive functions in this order:
Si (internal sensing)
Fe (external feeling)
Ti (internal thinking)
Ne (external intuiting)
What you all want to know is what do these words mean and how do I recognize them in the people around me, correct...
historic romance
jody hedlund
my absolute favs
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Book Review: The Preacher's Bride by Jody Hedlund (2010)
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Preacher's Bride by Jody HedlundMy rating: 5 of 5 starsElizabeth Whitbread desires to be of profound service to her family, her neighbors, and to her Lord. So when Sister Costin dies soon after the birth of her 4th child, Elizabeth's heart breaks, not only for the babe, but for the husband and three small children left behind. This being a strict, Puritan society during 1650s England, Elizabeth...
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elizabeth camden
historic romance
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The Steamcups Collection: Botanical, Avianatical Party Favors/Place Cards
Saturday, September 6, 2014
are now embarking on a new business venture, selling Steampunk items
and accessories. You will find our blog/website dedicated to this new
business at the link below. At the moment all we have up are these
delightful steamcups that my sister, Caitlin, made as party favors. I
hope you'll stop on by the new blog, favorite it, whatever, and keep a
watch on any and all new posts we add. Obviously,...
Book Review: With Every Breath by Elizabeth Camden (2014)
With Every Breath by Elizabeth CamdenMy rating: 3 of 5 starsIt is the year 1891 and tuberculosis has become one of the major causes of death in America. For doctor/researcher Trevor McDonough, this is unacceptable. Ever since he entered the medical profession, he has pondered and planned ways to defeat this dreadful disease, to the point where he has gained funding for his own research wing of a local...
historic romance
siri mitchell
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Book Review: Unrivaled by Siri Mitchell (2013, 3 stars)
Monday, September 1, 2014
Unrivaled by Siri MitchellMy rating: 3 of 5 starsIn Lucy Kendall's life, all should be perfect, but it's just not. She wants to be involved in her father's candy company, especially now that his health is failing so dreadfully, but he wanted her to have better opportunities, and her mother is most insistent that Lucy become a lady and marry well instead. The notion doesn't seem so bad when she meets...
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