My first encounter with Hyde's music

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Me: Ooh, looky! Hyde's music is on the library's free music download website! I didn't even know they had Japanese music, how cool! *clicks link and finds several albums, starts salivating* Me: I'll just pick any old album. So what if I've NEVER LISTENED TO HIS MUSIC BEFORE. I'm sure it's awesome, just like Gackt's introspective style, and I LOVE Gackt. *goes into an album, and clicks the load...
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Life of Pi (2012)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What is faith? For Pi Patel, faith is believing in God through the avenue of numerous religions. He is a Hindu Christian Buddhist Muslim. It reminds me a bit of Beni in The Mummy who had all his bases covered with symbols and memorized prayers from every main religion. But Pi is no Beni. He truly believes that he can find God in all of the religions, and finds comfort in each of them. More on...
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