Major Crimes: Nightmares

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Story: Major Crimes: Nightmares Characters: Sharon & Rusty Rating: K+ for angst/comfort Summary: Rusty's sleep turns sour after facing his father and Sharon is awakened one night by his nightmares. Reminded of her own two sons, Sharon's compassion for Rusty's predicament grows, her mothering instinct resurfacing. Moi: This was written because Major Crimes is becoming a huge part of...
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Long time, no see

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A lot has happened in the last few weeks. I was almost a bit afraid to post about it on here. As if that would make the experience vanish. But it's been 15 days and the experience hasn't faded yet, so I guess it's okay to share now. Two Sundays ago, I was in church, listening to a guest pastor from Louisiana share his story. And the Lord broke my heart. For the last several years I was hardening...
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