Left to right: my sister Caitlin, mom Tammy, and me (probably the first time most of you have seen me)
I realized that it's been months since I last posted about Afternoon Tea, probably because it's been months since we've really done one on a major scale. I figured there was no better time than Easter to enjoy a lovely tea so this morning we went all out with the preparations.
So, my darlings,...
Lord of the Rings
will graham
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A Lesson on Transformation from Gandalf and Will Graham
Saturday, April 19, 2014
With this being Holy Week, my thoughts have been focused on transformation for the last several days. Christians undergo a transformation when we're saved. Christ himself underwent a transformation on Resurrection Day, suddenly no longer confined by a physical body and its limitations. Transformation is something that everyone on earth undergoes at some point or another. A tipping point, as it...
historic romance
regina jennings
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Book Review: Caught in the Middle by Regina Jennings (2014)
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Caught in the Middle by Regina JenningsMy rating: 5 of 5 starsAnne Tillerton, a buffalo hunter who wears men's clothes, finds herself tracking down a runaway cook to Garber, Texas, successfully thwarting a train robbery/murder in the process. What she didn't expect is that she would actually know the man she saved from a lifetime ago. Or that she would end up caring for the cook, Tessa's infant son...
contemporary romance
katie ganshert
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Book Review: A Broken Kind of Beautiful by Katie Ganshert (2014)
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Katie Ganshert's newest novel, A Broken Kind of Beautiful hits stores on April 15th, 2014.Author's Website Read Chapter One It is the story of Ivy Clark, a ravishingly beautiful young woman of a hard upbringing. She is the daughter of an adulterer and his mistress, and the one thing she always wanted but could never attain was her father's love. Not even the affection lavishing on her every...
candace calvert
contemporary romance
medical drama
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Book Review: Life Support (Grace Medical #3) by Candace Calvert
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Life Support by Candace CalvertMy rating: 4 of 5 starsReaders familiar with the series have already met the affectionate Lauren Barclay in Rescue Team, the 2nd book in the Grace Medical series by Candace Calvert. Lauren always puts other people's needs before her own, to the detriment of her own relationships and happiness. It is a part of her genetic makeup, and it is strongest when troubles...
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